
Friday, April 20, 2012


This is a fascinating but depressing interview of Jane Graham, a survivor of the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995. Fascinating because Graham reveals absolutely crucial and corroborated evidence that the attack on the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building, which contained a child day care centre, was staged by rogue elements within the US government. Depressing because the attack was so obviously staged that after nearly 20 years this deep deep conspiracy has not been brought to justice.

Survivors of the attack who spoke out about the conspiracy received death threats and were eventually "suicided" or just plain murdered. Other survivors have only received the death threats.

And you think they couldn't do 9/11 to go on a warmongering rampage threatening nuclear war to create a global fascist tyranny and get away with it?

These people are capable of anything, including deliberately targetting a children's day care centre.

Alex Jones ends this Infowars Nightly News interview with this.

"Shame on the men of America, for being a bunch of mindless sports fans".

We could equally replace America with England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, Ireland, France, indeed anywhere.

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