
Wednesday, April 25, 2012


They say it takes 18 months for new economic policies to take real effect.

A quarter is 3 months.

Osborne has been Chancellor since May 2010.

It is now late April 2012

Osborne can no longer lay the blame for the state of the economy on Labour.

18 months followed by two quarters of negative growth is not a good record.

Add to that an allegiance to Bilderberg.

He has brought nothing but misery to millions, and lower taxes to his friends.

Captain Oik must walk the plank.

And he should be followed by his Bilderberg warmongering partners-in-fascism.

Britain has sunk back into recession, its first double-dip downturn since the 1970s, piling pressure on the government to soften its austerity drive.

GDP unexpectedly shrank by 0.2% between January and March, following a 0.3% contraction in the fourth quarter of last year, according to the Office for National Statistics. A technical recession is defined as two or more consecutive quarters of economic decline. The figures wrongfooted City economists, who had expected a return to growth, albeit of a meagre 0.1%.

The shock downturn piles further pressure on the government to step up its efforts to boost the economy, and highlights the challenges it faces in reducing Britain's debt from record levels. The fall back into recession will also heighten calls for the chancellor to ease up on his deficit-cutting plans. However, George Osborne stuck to his guns on Wednesday morning.

[source : UK sinks into double-dip recession, The Guardian,, 25/04/2012]

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