
Monday, April 09, 2012


The NATO media is baying for bloody revenge because Syria is reported to have attacked a camp in Turkey for Syrian refugees. Details are scarce in most reports.

But The Independent has provided much more clarification, and it actually implicates Turkey into possibly trying to provoke an international incident. According to this report Syrian al Qaeda rebs attacked a checkpoint inside Syria, killing six Syrian Army personnel, before escaping to seek protection inside Turkey at the refugee camp.
The incident began at about before dawn on Monday when rebel fighters attacked Syrian soldiers manning a checkpoint near the Turkish border, said Rami Abdul-Rahman, a spokesman for the [Syrian Observatory for Human Rights].

Six soldiers were killed in the ambush, Abdul-Rahman said. The troops then kept firing as eight wounded rebels escaped to the camp that is just over the border in Turkey, sending bullets whizzing across the frontier into the camp, he said.

According to the Observatory, the shooting wounded five people in the camp, which is near the town of Kilis in the southern province of Gaziantep. The Observatory reported that two people later died of their injuries, but that could not be immediately confirmed.

[source : The Independent, Gunfire from Syria hits refugee camp in Turkey,, 09/04/2012]

With these details the news reports with headlines that Syria attacked a refugee camp inside Turkey and killed protestors are blown out of all proportion, and back up what the Arab League monitors concluded earlier this year in their report, that was buried in the NATO media, that news items regarding the Syrian military in the NATO media are exaggerated or simply made up. Perhaps it was a little clumsy of the Syrian military to shoot towards the refugee camp, but what are they supposed to do when Syrian al Qaeda rebs kill six of their colleagues and then find sanctuary in Turkey?

A war on Syria via Turkey is perhaps more likely too. Russia and China appear to be resolute in their support of Syria against the NATO and Arab League sponsored Syrian al Qaeda rebs. Perhaps if Syria could be enticed and/or trapped into attacking and/or killing Turkish troops on Turkish soil, and today's incident could have been such a trap, then NATO could invoke Article Five of The Washington Treaty and declare war on Syria without UN authorisation.

So let's get things straight before we all end up as radioactive dust, eh?

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