
Wednesday, May 09, 2012


Here is what The Bilderberg Post is today reporting on the latest fake bomb plot.

But comments by White House counterterrorism adviser John O. Brennan and others made it clear that the involvement of the CIA and its partners went well beyond simply watching the plot unfold.

“We’re confident that neither the device nor the intended user of this device posed a threat to us,” Brennan said in an interview on ABC’s “Good Morning America.” “We had the device in our control, and we were confident that it was not going to pose a threat to the American public.”

...A senior U.S. intelligence official said spy agencies were able to keep tabs on the location of the bomb, as well as those involved in plotting how it would be used, before it was intercepted in another country in the Middle East, thought to be Saudi Arabia.

“We know the route this thing took in terms of its movement,” the official said.

[source : CIA unraveled bomb plot from within, The Washington Post,, 08/05/2012]

So neither the bomb nor the bomber posed a threat.

And the device was apparently under control.

So why all the hype?

Why all the news items, on TV and in the papers, leading with this story that a bomb plot had been foiled/thwarted, when it was never a threat, and the bomb was under control?

And how about this for possible sabotage?

Of dozens of AQAP fighters with Saudi backgrounds, “at least five or eight of them are undercover” working for the Saudi service at any point, said a Middle Eastern official. “The Saudis have always had a network” of sources in Yemen, the official said. “Now they are expanding its objectives.”

Anyone from AQAP reading The Bilderberg Post would immediately begin to hunt down the moles.

Unless the point of that particular paragraph is to get AQAP paranoid and pointing fingers at each other.

But then that begs the question as to why the information about the double agent was not released yesterday, which propagated the scepticism of this story? Was it deliberately withheld to provoke calls of scepticism, which would be put down with the release of the story that a double agent was involved, whose name and face and location could not be released?

Is it just a PR farce? I doubt it. Mockingbird is alive and well and has been running for decades, directing and guiding public opinion to follow the agenda. The minimum agenda for this story is to continue to scare the shit out of you with fears of terrorists boarding planes. Rand Paul recently began moves to disband the TSA. Perhaps this latest hype will reduce support to end the TSA.

And still no coverage of Kurt Haskell's eyewitness account of how the Blazing Underpants bomber was assisted onto the plane by a government agent.

My opinion of this has gone from 100% scepticism to 99% scepticism.

Nobody believes anything the governments say anymore. They have lost all credibility. They serve a cabal of fraudulent genocidal warmongering kiddie-fiddling eugenicist megalomaniac satanist scum.

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