
Wednesday, May 30, 2012



Both the New York Times AND The Bilderberg Post in their editorials today are hinting at military intervention in Syria, The Bilderberg Post going further and demanding intervention, and soon.

The NYT editorial is also aimed at Mitt Romney.
We can see no easy solutions to Syria, despite Mitt Romney’s facile criticism of President Obama. In a campaign statement issued on Tuesday, Mr. Romney called for “more assertive measures to end the Assad regime.”

But he fails to say how he could be more successful at getting Russia to “cease selling arms to the Syrian government” or how arming a fractious opposition could be effective. And there’s not a hint of what it means to “end the regime” and whether that would require American troops. Could he possibly be eager for another war? If Mr. Romney has good ideas, everyone would like to hear them.
[source : The Massacre at Houla, NYT, 30/05/2012]

I wonder if this question aimed at Romney will help decide if Bilderberg supports him or Obama later this year? If so then Romney had better answer quick.

And how can the NYT say, "We can see no easy solutions to Syria"? There is one.


The Bilderberg Post is alot more vocal in its demand for intervention, and soon.
The reality is that the killing in Syria will continue, and the threat to vital U.S. interests across the Middle East will grow, until Mr. Obama stops counting on the likes of Kofi Annan and Vladi­mir Putin to spare him from the responsibility that should be shouldered by a U.S. president. The longer he waits, the greater the cost — in children’s lives, among other things.
[source : Time for U.S. leadership on Syria, The Washington Post,, 30/05/2012]

This Bilderberg Post editorial is definitely aimed at Obama, to sort Syria while he is still in The White House.

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