
Saturday, May 26, 2012


The death toll from the alleged assault on Houla by Syrian military is rising and rising. Estimates were 20, then 30, now nearly 100.

What is totally bizzare is that this alleged assault took place while UN observers were in the same town, as I understand it.

And what is perhaps a clue as to what has happened is that some of the dead appeared to have been killed by a knife, yet the town is supposed to have been under bombardment.
Videos uploaded to the internet and purported to be from Houla show many dead and mangled infants. Residents say some victims were killed with knives, while many more died from relentless shelling at that left buildings splintered and homes destroyed in a large residential area near the centre of town.
[source : Syria: children slaughtered as regime unleashes 18-hour attack on town, The Guardian,, 26/05/2012]

But the timing of this reported massacre is very, very interesting, just a few days after the NATO meeting in Chicago. The war-on-seven-nations-in-five-years plan had stalled in Syria, and NATO was struggling for an excuse to invade. First they injected the Sunni al Qaeda types to overthrow Assad. Then when that didn't work they started to claim that al Qaeda might take over (even though that is what happened in Libya) so we must invade to stop them.

But we also have to ask, if such a massacre has indeed taken place then would it have taken place if the terrorist financiers of Saudi Arabia and Qatar had not injected $100 million dollars into the pockets of the Sunni al Qaeda types when the Annan peace plan was first being implemented, things were calming down and Assad had gained control, and the likes of NATO had not decided to assist in providing logistics and advice to the Sunni al Qaeda types.

I have deep, deep scepticism of this. It does not make sense at all that the Syrian government would shell a civilian area, and for so long, and with UN observers so close.

But we know the track record of how NATO media has been manipulated before. The classic is Danny Abdul Dayem, the guy caught out testing sound effects before an interview with CNN, which brings into question every single report he made, some of which look very similar to those posted on the internet showing bloodied bandaged children, etc alleged to show the result of the alleged assault on Houla. But the sickest propaganda came when it was alleged that 18 babies had died in their incubators after it was alleged that the Syrian military had turned off the power, either deliberately or through shelling. But despite the outcry no evidence has been shown to prove the allegation.

On the other hand, there have been reports and interviews of criminals and terrorists who chop the heads off and slit throats of Syrian military and civilians thought to be sympathetic to Assad.

If this event has occured as reported then I will be the first to condemn it.

But I have a deep suspicion that this is a manufactured media event demanded by the NATO hierarchy to get the R2PAQ moving again, and that something happened that we are not being told, such as a provocation, or the whole thing is complete bollocks.

Only a few days ago Assad stated that Syria had seen the worst of the violence and had a future to look forward to, praising and thanking the Syrian people for their support.

And now this?

This only serves one side; NATO and their Sunni al Qaeda friends (back together again).

I suspect the dark hands of the NATO sociopaths and the Sunni al Qaeda types at work in this somewhere.

If you have not done so already, read this report from SANA (original article contains photos)
New Massacres by al-Qaeda-linked Terrorist Groups against Families in al-Shumariyeh and Taldo in Homs Countryside

PROVINCES, (SANA)- Al-Qaeda-linked terrorist groups committed two horrible massacres against a number of families in the towns of al-Shumariyeh and Taldo in the countryside of Homs province, in escalation of their crimes that comes usually before Security Council sessions on Syria and this time in coincidence with the announced visit of the UN envoy to Syria Kofi Annan.

A source in the province told SANA reporter that terrorist groups from al-Qaeda perpetrated two appalling massacres against families in al-Shumariyeh village in Homs countryside in addition to committing sabotage acts on a large scale.

The source mentioned that the terrorists brutally killed Mohammad Abdul-Nabi Abdullah, his wife and six sons in addition to the citizen Rateb al-Oulo along with his son.

Massacre in Taldo in Homs

The source added that other al-Qaeda-linked terrorist groups in Taldo town in the province's countryside committed a massacre against al-Sayyid family killing with cold-blood Aref Mohammad al-Sayyid, his two brothers Imad and Ouqba, his wife Izdihar Ali al-Daher and three children.

The groups also committed acts of burning the citizens' houses and crops to accuse the army of bombarding the area in Taldo, in addition to sabotaging the National Hospital in the area and attacking a headquarters of law enforcement forces.

Terrorist groups affiliated with al-Qaeda committed last March 15th a massacre in Karm Allouz neighborhood in Homs that claimed the lives of 15 citizens, including a woman and her four children, before a Security Council session on Syria was to be held next day.

Authorities Seize Explosive Device Factory and Repository in Homs

Authorities seized and an explosive device factory and repository operated by the armed terrorist groups in al-Qseir town in Homs countryside.

SANA reporter said the store includes a large quantity of raw materials for explosive devices, acid, large-sized gas cylinders and detonators.

Armed Terrorist Group in Deir Ezzor Abducts Workers in al-Omar Oil Field

On Saturday, an armed terrorist group intercepted a bus belonging to al-Furat Oil Company and took the bus and the passengers to an unknown place.

SANA reporter said that the armed terrorist group intercepted the bus in Mo Hassan town in Deir Ezzor Province, adding that the bus was heading to al-Omar Oil Field.

Armed Terrorist Group Burglarizes SYP 12 Million in Albu Kamal

An armed terrorist group burglarized SYP 12 million from Hajin Town Office which is affiliated to the Agricultural Bank in Albu Kamal city in Deir Ezzor province.

SANA reporter said the armed terrorist group stormed in the office and threatened the cashier to steal the money and seals.

A Number of Terrorists Killed or Injured in Blast while Making Explosive Devices in Aleppo

In the province of Aleppo, a number of members of an al-Qaeda-linked terrorist group were killed or injured in a blast of an explosive device which they were making in a place in Tal Raf'at town in the countryside of Aleppo.

A source in the province told SANA reporter that a number of the group's members were in the process of making explosive devices in a poultry farm in the mentioned town when one of the explosive devices went off killing and injuring a number of the terrorists and causing damages to the poultry farm.

[source : New Massacres by al-Qaeda-linked Terrorist Groups against Families in al-Shumariyeh and Taldo in Homs Countryside, SANA,, 26/05/2012]

I would not put it past NATO and their sick Sunni al Qaeda friends to have killed a few familes, by knife as alleged in The Guardian report above, to blame it on Assad.

I'll tell you what I find really, really sick about NATO media. They always hide behind their propaganda by saying stuff like, "these videos cannot be independently verified", but not one has covered the war-on-seven-nations-in-five-years plan, even in a vain attempt to ridicule the hypothesis that 9/11 was an inside job to start that series of wars, a series of wars that is faltering and is on life support .

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