
Friday, June 08, 2012


The Channel 4 reporter Alex Thomson, who fell for all the propaganda from the rebels after the slaughter at Taldao, Houla has claimed that the rebels tried to get him killed. He says the rebels gave him directions that took the car that he was using into a free fire zone. His car was subsequently fired on by the Syrian military.

Thomson says that dead journalists are not good news for the Syrian government.

But Thomson was a virtual servant for the rebels with his coverage of the Taldao massacre. Why would the rebels send him into No Man's Land? Because they have no respect for him. And if they have no respect for him then they will lie to him.
Channel 4 News chief correspondent Alex Thomson has claimed Syrian rebels deliberately tried to get him and his crew killed by gunfire from government forces in a bid to discredit the regime of Bashar al-Assad.

Thompson alleged a small group from the Free Syrian Army deliberately guided the vehicle in which he and his Channel 4 News colleagues were travelling into what he described as a "free-fire zone" on a blocked road in "no man's land" in the vicinity of the city of al-Qusayr, because "dead journos are bad for Damascus".
[source : Syrian rebels tried to get me killed, says Channel 4 correspondent, The Guardian,, 08/06/2012

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