
Monday, June 04, 2012


The Daily Star is reporting that BSF and SAS are preparing to set up 'safe havens' on Syrian soil. This is being sold as 'humanitarian', because the alleged purpose of the camps is protect fleeing Syrians. These camps will not serve this purpose, not exclusively. The true purpose of these camps is to entice Syria into attacking them by protecting, traning and supplying the FSA and NATO-backed death squads.

The camps will be on Syrian soil.

There are refugee camps all along the Syrian borders already. So why have some more inside Syria? Because the slaughter of 50 children by NATO-backed bandit death squads in Taldao, Houla on 25th May did not work, was exposed for the provocation it obviously was, and has backfired. Therefore to get an invasion and/or war Syria must be shown to be the aggressor in a different way.

I don't know who has specifically requested this move, but whoever it is has decided that sacrificing BSF and SAS is, at this time, a risk worth taking, and that BSF are expendable.

But the Daily Star article is very revealing in other ways too. Apparently SAS and MI6 are in Syria already, to allegedly take photos of massacres etc, and the BSF are ready to join in.

BRITISH defence chiefs have drawn up secret plans to set up safe havens for Syrians fleeing President Assad’s killers.

Special Forces will help ­protect the refugees in Syria along the borders.

...SAS troops and MI6 agents are in the country ready to help rebels if civil war breaks out as ­expected this weekend.

...And if civil war breaks out the crack troops are on hand to help with fighting, said the ­insider.

They also have ­hi-tech satellite computers and radios that can instantly send back photos and details of refugees and ­Assad’s forces as the situation develops.

...“Safe havens would be an invasion of Syria but a chance to save lives,” said a senior Whitehall source.

...Safe havens are expected to be set up around areas that are easily ­accessible and even within walking distance of troublespots.

...It is thought ­Syrian forces would not dare to come that close to the border.
[source : SAS SET UP SAFE CAMPS IN SYRIA, The Daily Star,, 03/06/2012]

That last sentence says it all, a certain arrogance. Syria will attack them, because they will be used for protecting, training and supplying the al Qaeda rebs, or a false flag attack blamed on Syria will occur.

This is a move of total madness and total desperation, and I would plead with anyone who knows anyone who knows anyone in Syria with BSF not to do this.

The fact that they were prepared to use the deaths of children who had their throats cut by NATO-backed bandit death squads to create yet more slaughter shows they have a complete hatred of humanity. This is exposed by their Satanist activities.

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