
Tuesday, June 26, 2012


During the 1990's a Covenant of Security existed between MI5, MI6 and the Islamic Fundamentalist terrorists. This covevnant gave the terrorists safe haven in London. This is how Islamic terrorism grew to become such a threat. This is why despite great concern about mosques, particularly Finsbury Park, very little was done. This is why Reda Hassaine became so disillusioned with MI5 when he risked his life infiltrating Finsbury Park, giving MI5 top grade information which was ignored.

So should we be surprised today when Jonathan Evans, the head of MI5, warns that al Qaeda may be planning to attack the Olympic Games in London later this wet summer, also warning that some people from Britain are seeking training to attack Britain in countries that have experienced the Arab Spring?


Look at the countries named by Evans where these wanna-be terrrorists are flocking?

Though Evans did not say how many people from the UK had gone to the region, it is believed the agency has monitored more than 100 who have attempted to link up with extremists in countries such as Yemen, Egypt, Syria and Libya.
[source : MI5 warns al-Qaida regaining UK toehold after Arab spring, The Guardian,, 26/06/2012]

Repeat Yemen, Egypt, Syria and Libya.

Yemen is underneath a swarm of killer drones, blasting civilians to bits and calling them potential terrorists, the perfect recruiting sergeant.

But Egypt, Syria and Libya should raise your eyebrow because their former governments were allies in the global war on terror but have been overthrown, or in the case of Syria attempts are underway, in the Arab Spring.

But the Arab Spring is totally fake!! Read "2011 – Year of the Dupe" by Tony Cartalucci.

The Egyptian Revolutionaries were trained in the USA with finance from a variety of American sources. We then assisted al Qaeda in Libya, as even the BBC showed, and we are now doing the same in Syria.

So would these wanne-be terrorists have been able to seek such training in Libya, Egypt and Syria if we had not engineered fake revolutions to replace the governments of those nations?

Gaddafi was cooperating with MI6 and CIA, giving them names of suspected al Qaeda in Libya. Where is he now? In a coffin. Where are potential Islamic terrorists flocking, according to Evans? Libya, where the al Qaeda flag flutters high and proud in the North African breeze.

So we are perfectly within our quickly diminishing rights (which are being removed because of the threat of al Qaeda) to ask, were those governments overthrown to facilitate the growth of Islamic extremism, in a Global Covenant of Security?

I suspect so, with the eventual aim of a horrible, horrible war involving Israel.

This is why this current series of wars must stop, and stop immediately.

There must be no war on Syria. It is being covertly invaded by throat-cutting, head-chopping al Qaeda-types, admittedly assisted by us, who commit massacres like Houla and Qubair. Instead of starting war on Syria we should be helping Syria, sending our troops there, if Syria requested it, to put down the terrorism that is causing so much bloodshed, before, as Evans warns, al Qaeda grabs power like they have done in Libya (after we helped them!!), and Syria becomes the next Afghanistan, a fake breeding ground for global Islamic terrorism.

But I don't think Syria needs our assistance. All it needs is for us to stop meddling in their internal affairs by assisting al Qaeda like we did in Libya last year.

God save our gracious Queen
Long live our noble Queen
Allah U Akbar

Send her victorious
Happy and glorious
Long to reign over us
Allah U Akbar

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