
Thursday, June 07, 2012


Much is being made of the reports that the UN observers are being blocked by the Syrian military and the residents from the villages where the latest massacre in Syria is alleged to have occured. Initial reports gave no reason for this blocking. But The Independent is now reporting that this is for their own safety.

UN monitors said this afternoon that they have been unable to access the site of an alleged massacre in Syria.

General Robert Mood said observers were told by residents in the area that they would be at risk if they entered Mazraat al-Qubair in central Hama province.
[source : UN blocked from accessing site of alleged Syria massacre, The Independent,, 07/06/2012]

The Syrian government says there was an attack on the villages by terrorists and they received calls for help from the residents so they sent in the military.

This is also being reported by the BBC.
Gen Robert Mood, the commander of the UN mission, said civilians were also stopping UN patrols in the Hama area.

"We are receiving information from residents of the area that the safety of our observers is at risk if we enter [the] village," he said.

"Despite these challenges, the observers are still working to get into the village to try to establish the facts on the ground."

...State TV reported that security forces had launched an attack on an "armed terrorist stronghold" in Qubair after appeals from citizens.
[source : Syria 'blocks' UN from Qubair 'massacre site', BBC,, 07/06/2012]

So is it possible that some of the terrorists are still in the village?

But this BBC report ends with some alarming information. Apparently the word on the street now is that most of those killed at Houla were sprayed with automatic gun fire.
Members of the international community in Damascus say that most victims at Houla were killed by gunfire raking rooms and not in execution-style killings, contrary to initial reports.

Also, people's throats were not cut at Houla, although one person did have an eye gouged out, the sources now say.

If this is true then this would be a third method of killing. First it was shelling from the Syrian military. Then it was from up close by bullets to the head and throats cut. Now they say it was from "gunfire raking rooms"?

This is getting rather ridiculous.

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