
Sunday, June 24, 2012


For some very strange reason there has been a war on Jimmy Carr for allegedly dodging tax, but no inquiry has been established into the full extent of tax dodging by British citizens, be they residing in Birmingham or Belize.

If Dodgy Dave really felt so strongly about tax dodging then he would at least quadruple the increase HMRC are alleged to be receiving to hunt down unpaid tax, and also establish a Truth and Reconciliation Commission on Tax Dodging, before which tax dodgers could confess their crimes in return for little or no punishment.

But we all know there is really only one class who can afford to dodge tax, and they are his fellow chaps from Eton/Oxford/Bullingdon Club/The City, as well as some donors to the Bankers Tory Party.

I would suggest that this hasty finger-pointing, acquired from Hague, is actually due to and possibly aimed at Charlie Skelton?

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