
Friday, June 08, 2012


Last night Alex Jones called Webster Tarpley a Marxist-Leninist, which apparently Tarpley has admitted himself (but I am unaware of such a confession).

Tarpley has tweeted
Not #British agent #KarlMarx, but #AmericanSystem of #BenFranklin #AlexanderHamilton #HenryClay #Lincoln #Populists #FDR #NewDeal #JFK
[source :!/WebsterGTarpley]

This is apparently in response to show that Tarpley supports the American System of economics.

Tarpley has been accusing Ron Paul of selling out, citing the nepotism of Paul, clandestine meetings with Neocons, curious finance, genocidal economic policies, the tardiness of signing upto HR 107, and an apparent support of Romney. I must admit that Tarpley does have a point.

Tarpley also supports the Syriza movement in Greece, who threaten to implement anti-banker policies if they are elected. Again, Tarpley has a point.

But I would question the whole Europe ideal. If the idea all along has been to create Europe to destroy it (and if Europe's banks do indeed need nearly $10 trillion to be bailed out in just this year alone then that is probably the case) then Tarpley is absolutely correct. However, if the plan is to create a united Europe somehow, and at all costs, then for Tsipras and Syriza will One Europe take precedence over the anti-banker policies of Syriza?

The World Socialist Website accuses of Tsipras and Syriza of selling out.
When he speaks to the international press, as opposed to the Greek electorate, Tsipras makes clear that his party, once in power, would do what is necessary to satisfy the financial markets. SYRIZA hopes to carry out a program combining bailouts to key banks and corporations with austerity measures against the working class.

Tsipras has repeatedly said that SYRIZA seeks above all to remain in the EU. It will not only agree to structural “reforms”—which have already slashed wages and wiped out tens of thousands of jobs—but also honor the country’s debts, which the EU has used as a lever for the last two years to impose the austerity measures.
[source : The euro crisis and the role of SYRIZA, WSWS,, 08/06/2012]

The WSWS article does not give any references for such claims.

So, on with fighting whoever you want to fight!

Who do you really want to fight?

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