
Thursday, July 19, 2012


This is General Wesley Clark, on two separate occasions, relating how he was told shortly after the inside job 9/11 about the plan for war and/or regime change in seven nations in five years.

In this second interview Clark suggests that Africa is not of any concern. He is wrong. Africom was created to regain control or impose further control on that mineral rich continent.

But note the nations named to Clark; Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Iran.

Iraq was invaded in 2003 based on absolute pure and total bullshit.

Lebanon was bombed in 2006 after Israel contrived a war by sending troops into areas where Hezbollah was known to be and then declared war after the soldiers were taken knowing that the soldiers were dead already (as admitted by Olmert recently).

Libya was bombed and bombed and bombed after UN SCR 1973 was passed (when both Russia and China mysteriously abstained) but then the resolution was ignored and Gaddafi was assassinated.

Somalia and Sudan are beginning to show signs of trouble, with increased skirmishes in Somalia involving a European force after the UK declared it considered Somalia, not Afghanistan, as the new focus of anti-terrorism operations (and this came after it was recently discovered that Somalia had the world's seventh largest oil reserves just off its coast).

The meddling in Syria, by the Friends of Syria financing, arming, training, advising and protecting the Syrian al Qaeda rebs in order to create conditions to invoke the R2P, is clear for all to see.

And Iran has been the target for the Anglo-American Empire for centuries, but specifically in Operation Ajax, the Iranian Revolution and the Green Revolution, as well as the unfounded accusations of Iran developing a military nuclear program having been given civil nuclear power technology in the Atoms for Peace Program.

But in the videos of Clark above, Clark mentions Paul Wolfowitz and Donald Rumsfeld. These two rogues were instrumental in creating the warmongering PNAC who wrote in their Rebuilding America's Defenses published in September 2000 that in order to go on a global warmongering spree to clean up all those old Soviet client regimes, Iraq, Iran and Syria, "a new Pearl Harbor" would be required. A year later on 11th September 2001 that new Pearl Harbor occured, when the USAF was mysteriously AWOL at a time when Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz were in control of The Pentagon and another PNAC member Dick Cheney was in control of Washington DC while President Bush was in Florida. Other PNAC members were in other very infuential positions to guide the response to the attacks.

Before publishing Rebuilding America's Defenses the same cabal of Zionists wrote another warmongering document entitled A Clean Break for Benjamin Netanyahu. On 9/11 Netanyahu said live on air that the 9/11 attacks were very good, but then quickly corrected himself. He later began to admit that the 9/11 attacks had been good for Israel (see

Osama bin Laden was accused of 9/11 without evidence, despite some being promised but never shown. But he died from Marfan Syndrome years ago. The Taliban in Afghanistan had destroyed all the opium there, and they were also holding up the development of a series of pipelines.

So all the wars after Afghanistan have been part of that war-on-seven-nations-in-five-years.

But this is 2012. The war on Iraq began in 2003. In other words NINE years later and the plan is only half executed. The plan was seriously stalled in Iraq. So to speed it up a Faustian pact was agreed between Saudi Arabia, Israel and the USA that Sunni terrorists would be unleashed to enable regime change. This worked well in Libya when Sunni al Qaeda caused enough trouble (with the help of NATO special forces and Gulf states) to invoke R2P. This is now happening in Syria. And if successful will be implemented in Iran.

But note this; the 9/11 attacks on the USA were alleged to have been committed by Saudis, but as Netanyahu admits the resulting series of wars benefit Israel because the targets of those wars were named in Zionist documents as targets for aggression and Netanyhau even admits it! In Libya last year and Syria this year Saudi Arabia funded Sunni terrorists to topple anti-Israel governments. In other words there is an obvious axis-of-evil consisting of the USA, Israel and Saudi Arabia that is creating terrorism for the benefit of the USA and UK.

Anyone who supports war on Syria, or allows regime change in Syria, is complicit in the plan for war-on-seven-nation-in-five-years, and is thus an accomplice in the crime of 9/11 that has enabled the wars.

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