
Sunday, July 15, 2012


Oik and Hasty could soon be swapping positions. Osborne will leave No. 11 because we will probably be downgraded by the dodgy ratings agencies after Oik's fascist austerity has not done the job. But he can't leave the government altogether because he, not Cameron, is essentially PM. And Hasty Hague has been, well, hasty in his accusations, and has failed to start a war on Syria, no matter how many lies he tells. So a straightforward swap is on the cards, one Bilderberger for another.
Senior Treasury officials are preparing for ‘life after George Osborne’ after receiving alarming internal predictions about the state of the economy, The Mail on Sunday understands.

Mandarins at the top of Whitehall believe there is a 50 per cent chance that the UK will be stripped of its vital AAA credit rating within the next 12 months, which would wreck the Chancellor’s economic plans by making it more expensive for the country to borrow money.

Under these circumstances, the mandarins say, Mr Osborne’s position would become untenable and the ‘Whitehall machine’ would exert pressure on Downing Street for him to be replaced by Foreign Secretary William Hague, with Mr Osborne heading in the opposite direction.
[source : No 11 prepares 'for life after Osborne': Hague is tipped for job as UK is given 50% chance of losing gold-plated AAA rating, The Daily Mail,, 15/07/2012]

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