
Sunday, August 26, 2012


The Daily Star has again revealed the presence of British Special Forces in Syria. Earlier this year it was alleged that BSF would be used to create buffer zones inside Syria for the FSA. This latest claim is that BSF are at this very moment actually inside Syria hunting down WMDs.
NEARLY 200 elite SAS and SBS troops are in or around Syria hunting for Assad’s weapons of mass destruction, we can reveal.

The crack teams are deep in the war-torn country preparing to capture the deadly chemical arsenal when the president decides to use it or move it.

[source : SAS HUNT BIO ARMS, The Daily Star,, 26/08/2012]

The question that jumps to my mind immediately is, is that legal?

This week just passed, Syria gave its solemn promise and guarantee to Russia that it would not use its chemical weapons against civilians.

But just two weeks ago, it was reported that BSF were getting to know the Syrian rebs very very well indeed, having trained their leadership.
In an interview with Channel 5, Cameron said “we need to make sure Assad goes” as he admitted that British officials “are working very closely” with armed insurgents in Syria as they are “getting to know them better”.

Cameron’s remarks about UK officials’ efforts to know Syria’s armed rebels better come as a report published by the Daily Mail on 20 July, 2012 suggested that UK officials already know the insurgents well because the leaders of these armed insurgents were trained by Britain’s former Special Air Service (SAS) soldiers.

[source : UK bent on toppling Syrian government, PressTV,, 11/08/2012]

So, if there is any trouble with chemical weapons in Syria...

One scenario I can foresee is a Gleiwitz-esque operation in which some prisoners of the FSA are killed and dressed up in Syrian military uniforms and found with chemical weapons that the FSA were given which are claimed to come from the Syrian government.

Forgive my scepticism but the bastards did 9/11, killed a million in Iraq and have unleashed al Qaeda in Libya and Syria to get this far, so such an operation is not beyond them at all.

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