
Wednesday, September 12, 2012


I am currently making a very simple video of the creation and bloody purpose of Israel. And when I say very simple I really do mean very simple. I'm talking Movie Maker 2.1 for XP! But at least I can insert edited videos that have been downloaded from YouTube, converted to the correct format with free software, and excerpts taken. One video I have used is a speech by General Wesley Clark. But another I will now be using is this posted yesterday on The Friends of Syria website.

The Dancing Israelis were in New York on 9/11, they admit to documenting the event, and celebrating as men and women threw themselves from the 88th floor. The subsequent wars have benefited Israel, as Netanyahu admits, and targeted its enemies such as Iraq, Lebanon, Libya and now Syria and soon Iran, as expressed in warmongering documents written years before 9/11 such as A Clean Break.

If there is a new investigation into 9/11, and there should be, then the role of Israel and also Saudi Arabia in 9/11 should be its focus. These two and the USA have form in using Islamic terrorists, not least now in Syria as Seymour Hersh revealed in The Direction in 2007.

Video at

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