
Sunday, September 23, 2012


We are all in this together, they laughed.

A new report entitled Who Gains From Growth suggests that this will not be the case. The report summary states
Under the baseline scenario, living standards for working-age households in 2020 are likely to be substantially lower for those in the bottom half of income distribution (the benefit-reliant and LMI groups) than they were for households in the same position a decade earlier. Over the 2008 to 2020 period as a whole, the modelling suggests a decline in real terms income of around 5 percent for low to middle income households and around 19 percent for households reliant on benefits. Only higher income households—those above middle income—see income growth, of around two per cent over the period.

The report suggests that three factors help to explain the overall changes in living standards for the decade ahead:

  • Changes in the structure of employment. The UK economy is set to create both more highly skilled jobs at the top and more low skilled jobs at the bottom, while jobs in mid-level occupations are in decline. While these changes in the structure of the labour market are good for most people, they are also set to boost pay far more for higher income households than for those lower down;
  • Changes in the way work is spread out between households, with employment or working hours looking likely to grow in higher income households faster than in households with lower incomes;
  • Planned changes to the tax-benefit system. Most important is the indexation of benefits and tax credits to the Consumer Prices Index rather than the Retail Prices Index measure of inflation, which will see households that receive support from the state—particularly those with children—fall steadily further behind.

[source : Who Gains From Growth, The Resolution Foundation, September 2012]

The authors express their doubts in the forecasts for growth, which we all know have been widely exaggerated by the government, who have decided to pick on the poor and relieve the rich by slashing benefits while ignoring tax havens.

And we also all know who caused this global economic crisis.

(to the Spiderman tune)
Fascist man,
Fascist man.
Does whatever a fascist can.
Makes a bank a huge size.
Gets bailed out due to his ties.
Bail out!
Here comes the fascist man.

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