
Tuesday, October 02, 2012


The BND of Germany have found that 95% of the rebs are not Syrian, but foreign.

Meanwhile, the so-called German BND (Bundesnachrichtendienst / German Federal Intelligence Service) has admitted in an official report that only 5% of the armed terrorists in Syria are really Syrians and, thus, 95% of these Western-backed terrorists and religious fanatics are from other countries.

According to the German newspaper “Die Welt”, the German Federal Intelligence Service (BND / Bundesnachrichtendienst) has published this statement in a new official and detailed report about their findings on the so-called “revolution” in Syria.

In addition, it is also said that the German Federal Intelligence Service (BND / Bundesnachrichtendienst) has detailed listed the accounts of the nationalities of these foreign-supported fighters in Syria and even their locations in the country.

Thus, allegedly the majority of the armed fighters in Syria come from several African countries and it is likely that a lot of these fighters from these African countries are members of the so-called al-Qaeda (also known as al-CIAda).

It seems that the German Federal Intelligence Service (BND / Bundesnachrichtendienst) assumes that the amount of foreign-backed terrorists in Syria can be estimated at a number of 14,800 armed persons.

[source : Syria: Another Arms Depot in Damascus – Most terrorists are foreigners, Syria News,, 02/10/2012]

And a lot of 'em are al Qaeda members or sympathisers.

Nice one, Hague! Wear your al Qaeda bandana with pride.

But this is what the Covenant of Security was all about.

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