
Thursday, November 22, 2012


The war on Syria had stalled. The warmongers were being rumbled; Turkey, Qatar, Egypt.

Have you noticed how these three stole the media space with their support for Palestinians?

Hamas too was supporting the Syrian opposition.

But now all have come out of this latest war on Gaza smelling of roses. Syria and Iran lost the media war, in the West at least.

The Palestinian cause has been hijacked by allies of Israel in its war against Syria and Iran.

This proposal was made at Land Destroyer blogspot and Land Destroyer twitter .

For those who still don't know, 9/11 was done by Israel and Saudi Arabia to drag the USA into a war on Israel's neighbours. These neighbours had been named in documents A Clean Break and Rebuilding America's Defenses. Shortly after 9/11 General Wesley Clark was told that this list of targets had been increased so that seven nations, all of whom had sweet FA to do with 9/11, were going to see war and/or regime change in five years. That list consisted of

Syria(ongoing but stalling)

By 2007 this plan for war on seven nations in five years had seriously stalled. Only two of the nations had seen war and only one (Iraq) had seen regime change. Hezbollah was still strong in Lebanon. So, as revealed by Seymour Hersh in The Redirection, in 2007 an agreement was reached between the USA, Israel and Saudi Arabia that Saudi Arabia would supply extremist Jihadis to overthrow the governments of those nations that had not seen war.

In Libya 2011 the NFZ authorised by UNSCR 1973 was very quickly twisted into a quest for the assassination of Gaddafi. To this end Jihadis were supplied and trained by nations like Qatar, while NATO bombed and bombed and bombed and bombed and bombed and bombed and bombed and bombed and bombed and bombed and bombed and bombed a clear unobstructed path for the Jihadis all the way into Tripoli. Gaddafi was eventually assassinated. BSF assisted them from the front and the start all the bloody way.

The Jihadis used in Libya are now in Syria trying to work their Jihadi magic with NATO assistance again, by for example slaughtering pro-Assad families and blaming the Shabiha, but the plan is not going well at all. Despite Syria being covertly invaded, and threats of war from Turkey, Assad is still in power, with lots of support from Syrians themselves because they know that the so called 'civil' war in Syria is really an invasion by foreign Jihadis backed and financed by NATO and the Gulf states and Egypt. Hamas, which was created by Israel as a counter to the PLO, deserted Syria.

And it is these who have come out of the latest war on Gaza smelling of roses. Egypt brokered the ceasefire. The Emir of Qatar visited Gaza. Turkey made many anti-Israel statements. And more importantly this received lots of space in the NATO media.

On the other hand the apparent silence of Iran and Syria in NATO media has been deafening.

Whether beastman Netanyahu agreed to this, never intending to invade Gaza at all because he didn't want to destroy Hamas (Israel needs a threat for the aid from the USA) or look the bloodthirsty monster?

I could believe this.

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