
Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Gary Allen writes in None Dare Call It Conspiracy
But, even though America did not have a central bank after President Jackson abolished it in 1836, the European financiers and their American agents managed to obtain a great deal of control over our monetary system. Gustavus Myers, in his History of The Great American Fortunes, reveals:

"Under the surface, the Rothschilds long had a powerful influence in dictating American financial laws. The law records show that they were powers in the old Bank of the United States [abolished by Andrew Jackson]."

No specific reference is given.

The problem here is that History of The Great American Fortunes by Gustav Myers is a THREE volume work!

And after some research this citation by Allen does not give any specific reference in History of The Great American Fortunes. However this is what Myers writes in Vol 3:
The two things worked well together. By means of financial laws, corruptly passed, the bankers, both international and national, compelled the people of the United States, through their Government, to present them with the funds with which to buy up railroads and other forms of property.5

This reference Number 5 contains the Allen quote:
5 Under the surface, the Rothschilds have long had a powerful influence in dictating American financial laws. The law records show that they were powers in the old Bank of the United States. August Belmont and Company were their American representatives. In 1873 it was estimated that $375,000,000 of American railroad securities were held abroad, chiefly by foreign bankers. The Final Report of the Industrial Commission in 1902 estimated (see page 404 of that report) the amount of these securities held by foreign banking houses and others abroad at about $3,100,000,000.

But Mullins in World Order p35 says that in the Panic of 1837 the Rothschilds let their agents W.L. & M.S. Joseph go under while they backed Belmont.
In 1931, W. Averell Harriman, son of E.H. Harriman, merged his banking house, W.A. Harriman & Co. with Brown Bros, to form the present firm of Brown Bros. Harriman. In 1933, Brown Bros. Harriman backed the expansion of CBS, in which they have maintained a large position. The Brown Bros, firm occupied offices on the comer of Wall Street and Hanover which had been occupied by J.L. & J.S. Joseph Co., the American representatives of the Rothschilds. Josephs went broke in the Panic of 1837, having been cut loose by the Rothschilds, who were now operating through August Belmont and George Peabody & Co.

And on p4 Mullins states:
For more than a century, a widespread belief has been deliberately fostered in the United States that the Rothschilds were of little significance in the American financial scene. With this cover, they have been able to manipulate political and financial developments in this country to their own advantage. In 1837, the Rothschilds let their American representative, W.L. & M.S. Joseph, go bankrupt in the Crash, while they threw their cash reserves behind a newcomer, August Belmont, and their secret representative, George Peabody of London. Bermingham notes in "Our Crowd", "In the Panic of 1837, Belmont was able to perform a service which he would repeat in subsequent panics, thanks to the hugeness of the Rothschild reservoir of capital, to start out in America operating his own Federal Reserve System."

After 1837, August Belmont (Schonberg) was publily advertised in the financial press as the American representative of the Rothschilds. When Belmont participated in a financial operation, everyone knew that the Rothschilds were involved. When Belmont took no part, and the transaction was handled by J.P. Morgan & Co., and or by Kuhn, Loeb Co., everyone "knew" that
the Rothschilds were not involved.

My question is : why does Mullins begin this alleged long time control over banking in the United States at 1837, AFTER the traitor Andrew Jackson had destroyed the Second Bank of the United States and the US economy?

Surely if W.L. & M.S. Joseph were so powerful we would be familiar with this name as we are with Belmont, Morgan, Loeb, etc.

This is not definite proof but supports the thesis that the Rothschilds had NOTHING to do with with The First or The Second Bank of The United States. There is a definite plot to portray these banks as having been under Rothschild control so that we do not look at them, study them and see how they financed the creation of the USA in it early years.

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