
Sunday, March 17, 2013


President Obama must resist joining or supporting Netanyahu in Israel's folly in Syria. I read that Obama is to meet Miss Israel, Yityish Aynaw, who was not born in Israel, but migrated to Israel from Ethiopia. This is obviously a PR stunt to imply that Israel is not an apartheid state.

Last year it was reported in Press TV that Obama, CJCS Dempsey and others were considering going public on the inside job 9/11. In November 2007 it was reported that Francesco Cossiga, who exposed the NATO Operation Gladio, stated that the world's intelligence agencies know that Israel was behind the inside job 9/11. Saudi Arabia and factions within the USA were also perps, on the orders of the DFK.

There must be no attack on either Syria or Iran for Israel. It is a terrible trap that will unleash hell.

So far Obama has played a cool hand, resisting demands from the likes of The Bilderberg Post etc to bomb Syria, but placating these warmongering demands with covert assistance to the Syrian al Qaeda rebs.

I cannot believe from my understanding of Obama's true history that he is a true warmonger, but he can be persuaded to engage in small wars. Wars on Syria and/or Iran will not be small. They will be very, very big, bloody and extremely violent.

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