
Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Ten years ago today the war criminal Tony Blair began a war on Iraq. That war had been engineered through lies, deceit, withholding of intelligence, and the inside job 9/11. General Wesley Clark has stated a number of times that Iraq was one of seven nations named to him that would experience war and regime change over a period of five years. The other six nations named were Lebanon, Libya, Syria, Iran, Sudan and Somalia. But it has all gone Pete Tong for the war criminals. By 2007 only Saddam Hussein had been replaced, and a small war on Hezbollah in 2006 that was engineered by Israel led to an embarrassing defeat for Israel. So a Faustian agreement was reached in which Saudi Arabia, Israel and the USA would unleash nasty cutthroat Jihadis onto some of the nations named to Clark. The first nation to suffer the Jihadis was Libya in 2011. NATO and Gulf State intelligence and special forces armed, trained and advised the Jihadis. NATO relentlessly bombed a path for the Jihadis all the way into Tripoli. Gaddafi was eventually found and murdered. The Jihadis have since moved onto Syria, but they are getting their al Qaeda butts kicked by the Syrian military. The only reason they succeeded in Libya was because they had overt NATO support. This support is not there for them in Syria. This is due to Russia, in both cases.

We were told that Iraq had WMDs and was involved in the inside job 9/11. Donald Rumsfeld on TV said they knew where the WMD were; North, South, East and West of Baghdad, and around Tikrit. Neither claim was true.

This morning on the Your Call debate on BBC Radio 5 Live the blame was put on Saddam Hussein himself, for propagating the idea that Iraq had WMD to make Iraq look more powerful!

There is some evidence that Saddam Hussein was a long time CIA asset, ever since the coup that brought him into power in the first place. Donald Rumsfeld sold him WMD in the 1980s. Saddam was tricked into invading Kuwait in 1990. Iraq was soundly beaten and the allied troops were on their way to Baghdad to kick Saddam Hussein's butt. A revolution was provoked against him by the allies. But for some reason this revolution was betrayed, which allowed Saddam to destroy the revolutionaries and their movement so much so that Saddam Hussein actually became stronger, virtually untouchable, in Iraq by any internal opposition. The allied troops were ordered to turn around and get home. Thus Saddam Hussein was left in power, actually stronger in Iraq, but a series of sanctions and No Fly Zones (implemented with DU) led to the population of Iraq becoming weaker, and Iraq's vast oil resources were kept off the market, thus leading to higher oil prices. But someone made some money through smuggling and/or purchasing smuggled Iraqi oil.

The alleged arrest of Saddam Hussein also raised some questions. Saddam had doubles. Saddam's wife claimed the man under arrest was not her husband. Photographic and dental evidence supports her claim.

When you are dealing with some of the world's largest proven oil reserves you can't be honest. There is deep, deep geopolitics and espionage involved with this, because we are talking billions and billions in profits, and control over vast natural resources.

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