
Wednesday, March 06, 2013


One of the top three documentaries I have seen is The War on Democracy by John Pilger, which documents the interference in South America by the USA, specifically focusing on Venezuela and the failed coup of 2002.

Pilger shows that without a doubt the USA financed that coup through the National Endowment for Democracy, among others, and how the coup began with a false flag attack on anti-Chavez protestors by unknown snipers and anti-Chavez armed police. With many dead and wounded a pre-recorded message was released by high-ranking members of the Venezuela military demanding that Chavez resign. Chavez did not resign, and was kidnapped while the coup took place and a new pro-USA government installed. But the Venezuelan people strongly protested and the military repledged their allegiance to the Chavez government and the plotters fled, some to the USA.

But this was just the latest coup ran by the USA in South America. Pilger also examines the coup in Chile against Salvador Allende by Pinochet, and how in Guatemala the Dulles brothers were parasites via The United Fruit Company who ran a coup against the democratically elected Jacobo Arbenz. There were many more CIA run coups in South America. Pilger even gets Philip Agee of the CIA to state on that the CIA didn't give a hoot if a leader was democratically elected; if they didn't serve US interests then they were out! The aims of the coups were to open up South America for exploitation by US corporations.

But Chavez was not the only South American leader to get cancer. A few others did but survived.

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