
Wednesday, April 03, 2013


As soon as I saw Mick Philpott cry those crocodile tears last year at a press conference I knew he was guilty. I doubt he had intentions of killing his children. Apparently he was good with them. But tragically he and his wife and friend didn't quite think things through when they set their house on fire shortly after a threesome.

Mick Philpott was found guilty of killing six of his children.

It was a sick, evil, vile, depraved crime.

Meanwhile, in 2011 we supported politically, logistically, financially and materially the Libyan al Qaeda rebs, who butchered their way to Tripoli after NATO bombed and bombed and bombed and bombed a clear and unobstructed path for them. This was due to The Redirection agreed in 2007 between the USA, Israel and Saudi Arabia as a desperate, desperate act to inject some life into the moribund plan for war on seven nations in five years as revealed to NATO General Wesley Clark shortly after the inside job 9/11.

The Libyan al Qaeda rebs transformed magically into the Syrian al Qaeda rebs. But whereas in Libya the rebs butchered dark skinned Libyans, the Syrian al Qaeda rebs are a completely different fucking beast, wantonly cutting throats and decapitating civilians of any colour or religion. They proudly boast of their bloodthirsty adventures, and have developed chemical weapons which they no doubt used a week or two ago.


He wants to give the fucking animals heavy weaponry, perhaps even a No Fly Zone! Hell, why not go all the way and merge the Union Flag with the al Qaeda flag! We have a new national anthem lined up anyway.

Hague has been suspiciously silent on the latest terrorist atrocities committed by the Syrian al Qaeda rebs (who have recently used chemical weapons, mortared a university and set off God knows how many car bombs), but not so silent on his meeting with the devilish Angelina Jolie recently. Check out his twitter feed.

So yes, there is no doubt that Mick Philpott is a reckless tragic fool who would be a good candidate for the noose.

But the blood of tens of thousands of Syrian civilians, children included particularly those of Houla, is on the hands of William Hague and David Cameron.




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