
Monday, May 06, 2013


That is how Nicky Campbell described Lord Owen on BBC 5 Live Breakfast this morning. Campbell had interviewed Owen about the attacks by Israel with DU weapons on Syrian Republican Guards and a coop of deadly dangerous chickens, killing civilians in the process. Of course, this was not mentioned. What was discussed though was the standard "Israel has the right to defend itself". I agree with this statement. Israel has the right to defend itself against deadly dangerous chickens which were obviously being trained for suicide missions in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem to kill and maim Jews.

Seriously, Owen stated that Israel did not want a war with Hezbollah. This is completely wrong. Israel engineered a war on Hezbollah in 2006 but somehow lost. Israel had previously assassinated the former Prime Minister of Lebanon Rafik Hariri in order to blame Syria in order to drive Syria out of Lebanon in order to leave Hezbollah exposed for that war.

This was part of a plan for war on seven nations in five years that was revealed to General Wesley Clark shortly after the inside job 9/11 that was executed by Israel, Saudi Arabia and an Anglophile- Zionist faction within the USA.

Israel is desperate to get the USA involved in its folly in Syria, even more so after the UN recently found that the Syrian al Qaeda rebs used Sarin, a game-changing atrocity that Israel blamed on Assad in order to trick President Obama into bombing Syria. Netanyahu is an enemy of Obama having actively supported his old friend and avowed Zionist Mitt Romney. As a consequence there is definite tension between the two, with President Obama threatening to go public on the inside job 9/11.
Some of the same high-level sources who point to Richard Clarke as the US boss of the Israeli-instigated 9/11 false flag operation also claim that President Obama, Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Dempsey, and other powerful Americans are considering exposing the truth about 9/11 during a second Obama term. In other words, Obama's re-election could put Israel out of business, and get Netanyahu hanged from the nearest lamp-post.

[source : Israel seeks war on Iran to keep lid on 9/11, PressTV,, 21st September 2012]

Owen, the alleged expert on such matters, said nothing on this and instead supported Israel's naked aggression and murder, and its breaking of international law yet again.

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