
Monday, May 27, 2013


As the country goes down the drain thanks to fascist bankers, and British soldiers are being butchered on British streets thanks to an imperialist foreign policy, Jihadi David Cameron is on holiday in Ibiza.

[source : The Daily Mail]

I wrote a song about this this morning. Here are the lyrics of the first two verses. Copyright and all rights reserved.

Just Chillaxin'

I'm just chillaxin'
As the country goes down the drain
Just chillaxin'
We don't feel your pain

[Verse 1]
Oh, the sun is hot
And the sky is blue
Drinkin' espresso
And not thinkin' of you

[Verse 2]
Not wishin' you were here
With an ice cold beer
Don't care about you
Coz I'll be made a peer


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