
Thursday, May 30, 2013


Earlier this week Bilderberg Jihadi Hague suggested that arming the Syrian rebels, who are overwhelmingly cutthroat al Qaeda, would bring President Assad to the negotiating table.

But by the time Jihadi Hague had suggested this Assad had already agreed to come to the negotiating table. Perhaps not personally, as Israel might want so they can assassinate him, but senior members of the Syrian government had agreed to attend.

So Russia and Syria were honouring their commitments.

But what of the rebel side?

Backing them are Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey, Jordan, USA, UK, France and Israel. Indeed it was Israel, USA and Saudi Arabia who executed the inside Ziojob 9/11 on the express orders of the DFK in order to start a series of wars that would at first appear to be for the benefit of Israel, as proposed in A Clean Break, but any one of those wars could be manipulated into a world war, as proposed by Albert Pike. With Israel threatening to attack Russian ships and missile sites, as Alex Jones suggested yesterday on his radio show, we are approaching a crisis not too dissimilar from the Cuban missile crisis.

Upon hearing the very disappointing but not unexpected news that the the UK and France got their way, with the other 25 members of the 27 member EU opposing scrapping the arms embargo to the Syrian al Qaeda rebs, I suggested that the rebels might not even come to the table now that they can be armed with tanks and heavy artillery, perhaps even DU weapons. Yesterday the rebels issued a demand that they know Assad will never agree to, that he and his government should not be involved in any political process, having days earlier stated that they would not attend.
Plans for Syrian peace talks in Geneva next month appeared in danger of being derailed on Wednesday night as the country's divided opposition movement issued a fresh demand for Bashar al-Assad's government to be excluded from the political process, while Damascus insisted the Syrian president would stay in power until 2014 and possibly beyond.

Russia and France also clashed over whether Iran should be allowed to attend the talks, and diplomats suggested that the mid-June target date might have to be pushed back. Turkey warned that if the negotiations failed, it would mark the end of the road for diplomacy and open the gates to the wholesale arming of opposition forces.

In the midst of fierce internal wrangling in Istanbul, the fragmented National Coalition for Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces issued its first statement on the Geneva conference, but did not say it would attend. Instead it laid down a list of demands, for "the head of the regime, security and military leadership to step down and be excluded from the political process" and for a "halt to Iran and Hezbollah's invasion of Syria and [their expulsion] from the country". The coalition said a timetable for these goals was needed "with the international community offering binding guarantees".

[source : Syria peace talks in jeopardy as both sides entrench positions, The Guardian,, 29th May 2013]

The rebels are being eradicated from al Qusayr, a major logistics hub. The SAA is on the march, the rebels are on the run. How have they got the balls and the cheek to issue demands? Because Jihadi Hague torpedoed the EU arms embargo so that very soon they will get heavy weapons. They now have no incentive or intention to come to the negotiating table.

What Hague and Fabius have done is to continue a proxy war just as peace could have been negotiated.

And they know it!

Jihadi Hague must be removed immediately and prosecuted for crimes against humanity. That is how serious the situation has become.

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