
Sunday, May 05, 2013


Israel is digging its own grave. It was doomed anyway from its creation in 1948. The Rothschilds supported financially and politically the creation of Israel, going so far as to allow the Holocaust to occur in order to persuade a sceptical world Jewry that Palestine was the only safe haven from a cruel and harsh world. Without handouts from the Federal Reserve Israel could not survive. And last year Henry Kissinger is alleged to have said that there will be no Israel in 10 years time.

Now Israel has attacked two targets inside Syria in less than a week, but not from inside Syrian airspace. This indicates how scared Israel is of Syria and the Syrian air defences. Indeed, Manar TV has claimed that one Israeli plane was shot down.

But the timing of these two attacks is of interest. Earlier this week Hezbollah leader Nasrallah virtually pledged allegiance to Assad, stating that Hezbollah would never allow Assad to fall, and admitted to the presence of Hezbollah inside Syria to protect Shia villages from an imminent attack by the NATO proxy cutthroat Jihadi terrorist scum. Two days after this proclamation Israel attacked a warehouse. Two days after that and Israel has attacked another target near to Damascus. Both targets are alleged to hold arms from Iran bound for Hezbollah.

These attacks are political statements, but they also expose the desperation of Israel, and in particular Benjamin "nutter" Netanyahu.

Assad forces are kicking al Qaeda butt in Syria. Assad is so confident that his competent military have destroyed the NATO proxy cutthroat Jihadi terrorist scum that he is now appearing in public much more frequently. The links between al Qaeda, Israel, Saudi Arabia and the USA are coming to the public attention, with mainstream media frequently reporting just how many al Qaeda fighters are present in Syria, that they receive support and training from NATO forces, as happened in Libya, and that the non-violent Syrian protestors are shocked at the NATO proxy cutthroat Jihadi terrorist scum and abandoning the cause. It will only be a short time before the Israeli link to the inside job 9/11, which kicked off the whole series of wars as revealed to General Wesley Clark, is widely known outside of military, intelligence and conspiracy circles. And when that happens the USA will dump Israel.

By attacking sites in Syria, Israel has broken yet more international laws, yet again. Its legitimacy cannot go much lower.

Israel has lost.

Obama knows it.

Putin knows it.

Assad knows it.

Ahmadinejad knows it.

Netanyahu knows it.

My dog knows it.

We all know it.

If Israel had violated Syrian airspace and bombed a civilian suburb, killing tens if not hundreds of civilians, then that would be a different matter. But few people died in the attacks. Some arms were allegedly blown up.

There is no need to do anything in the form of retaliation. Just smile and watch your enemy writhe and squirm in anger and frustration.

These two Israeli attacks have driven a few more wedges between the rebs and the Syrian people, and cemented support for Assad within the Syrian population.

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