
Thursday, May 09, 2013


The hands of David Cameron and William Hague are so deeply stained withn Syrian blood that not even Coca Cola could wash the blood off.

Last week NATO media attempted, yet again, to portray forces loyal to President Bashar al Assad of Syria as bloodthirsty monsters when two alleged massacres were reported at Bayda and Baniyas. These reports came just days before US Secretary of State John Kerry traveled to Russia to meet with President Vladimir Putin and Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. The alleged massacres were of Sunnis in an area of Alawites. But once again, as with the massacre at al Houla last year, what actually happened was that the NATO proxy cutthroat Jihadi terrorist scum had entered the village, caused trouble, the Syrian Arab Army were called in by the villagers and killed most of the Jihadis, but not before the NATO proxy cutthroat Jihadi terrorist scum had killed a few Sunni families who were loyal to Assad. The purpose of portraying the massacres as committed by Assad forces was to bring Russia around to the USA's suggestions on Syria.

But it failed. What appears to have happened is the opposite, in that there are now serious attempts to bring the bloodshed in Syria to an end with a negotiated peaceful settlement. This has angered Prime Minister David Cameron and has resulted in a smelly brown patch appearing in David Cameron's trousers. Yesterday Cameron told pork pies in the House of Commons and should be held accountable. He told MPs that Assad forces had used chemical weapons.
"There is a growing body of limited but persuasive information showing that the regime has used and continues to use chemical weapons including sarin and the room for doubt about this continues to diminish," Cameron told parliament.

[source : Growing signs Syria uses chemical weapons: Britain's Cameron, Reuters,, 8th May 2013]

But where is the evidence? Just a few days ago the chief UN investigator into the use of chemical weapons in Syria, Carla del Ponte, claimed that the evidence pointed to the rebels using sarin and she had not seen any evidence that Assad forces had used them. She was quickly told be quiet and the UN quasi-formally 'apologised' for having told the truth.

But such truth will not stop the bloodstained Cameron and Hague. Despite such a surprise swing towards negotiating a peaceful settlement in Syria, the UK is to continue with a push to amend the EU embargo on arms to the Syrian rebels.
The UK has offered EU diplomats a choice between two options of amending the arms embargo on Syria in order to legally unleash a stream of lethal aid to the opposition. The draft proposal emerged as Britain and the US seek Russia’s political support.

The UK has been on a crusade to start arming the Syrian opposition and has lobbied hard in Brussels to amend the arms embargo placed on Damascus.

In a leaked six-page long draft proposal circulated to EU diplomats over the past week, London is suggesting two options for amending current sanctions to give weapons to the Syrian National Coalition.

The paper says the situation in Syria is “deteriorating sharply” and the EU must apply more pressure on the Assad government to negotiate.

The first option pushes for full exemption of the main opposition bloc from the EU arms embargo, while the second proposal is to amend the language of the sanctions to remove the word “non-lethal” thus opening the gate for weapons to flow.

...Another idea is to ease financial transactions by amending bank sanctions to rebel-held territory.

[source : EU arms embargo on Syria: Scrap it or drop ‘non-lethal’ wording, says UK, RT,, 9th May 2013]

So just as the USA and Russia, instead of either agreeing to bomb Syria or provoking WW3 with a NATO backed NFZ over Syria, after Israel tried to trick the USA with claims of use of sarin by Assad, decide to sue for peace in Syria, the UK is pushing the EU to arm the cutthroat rebels with more lethal equipment! No wonder we are killing our old and sick by The Liverpool Care Pathway. Cameron needs the savings to give to the Syrian cutthroat rebels to kill yet more Syrian children!

This is the Disunited Fascist Kingdom in 2013.

This is what our fathers and grandfathers fought for in WW1 and WW2.

One of the results of the Kerry-Putin-Lavrov talks was this tweet by the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The tweet should also have referred to the period during the British-engineered American Civil War when Russia sent its naval fleets to assist Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln won the war but was assassinated by a nest of British agents, the most famous being John Wilkes Booth. As for Russia, the British began a series of attempts at assassinating successive Czars of Russia and at stoking revolutions, the most famous of these being 1917/8 when after years of world war that was engineered by the Freemasonic circles, the Russian people were too knackered to resist a coup by the City of London-Wall Street sponsored Bolsheviks.

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