
Sunday, May 26, 2013


On 11th September 2001 four passenger planes were allegedly hijacked by members of al Qaeda. After flying around the most protected airspace in the world for nearly two hours three of these planes flew into the WTC1, WTC2 and The Pentagon, while the fourth allegedly crashed into the ground, its target suspected of being either The White House or The Capitol. In charge of the USA, and in particular the US military, on that day were Zionists. They had written documents calling for war on Iraq and Iran in particular, with Syria and Lebanon and North Korea also in the crosshairs (though why Zionists would be so interested in North Korea is a mystery). These documents were entitled A Clean Break and Rebuilding America's Defenses. Shortly after the attacks on 9/11 General Wesley Clark was told of a plan for war on seven nations in five years. The seven nations were Iraq, Iran, Syria and Lebanon, together with Libya, Somalia and Sudan. Clark later claimed that there had been a foreign policy coup, specifically naming Paul Wolfowitz. Clark also recalled a conversation he had with Wolfowitz in 1991 in which Wolfowitz stated that the USA "had 5 to 10 years to take out those old Soviet client regimes; Iraq, Iran, Syria - before the next superpower comes along".

Well, 10 years after 1991 is 2001.

And in Rebuilding America's Defenses the Zionists had called for "a new Pearl Harbor".

Well, on 11th September 2001 the Zionists got their "new Pearl Harbor".

And so America went to war.

But by 2007 only Saddam Hussein had been ousted, and Israel had lost a war that it had engineered on Hezbollah.

So in 2007 a Faustian pact was reached between the USA, Israel and Saudi Arabia that the latter would unleash Islamic extremists onto some of the nations named to Clark.

The first to suffer was Libya.

After Gaddafi had been murdered, the Jihadis were transported to Syria, and they have been committing atrocity after atrocity, massacring children in cold blood, indulging in cannibalism and cutting the throat of anyone who supports Assad, regardless of their colour or religion.

And it is this that needs exposing.

The Woolwich Butchers were on the MI5 terrorist radar since November 2010 when Adebolajo was deported from Kenya accused of being a member of Al Shabaab based in Somalia. He was asked to spy on particular groups and organisations, but apparently refused. He would preach Jihad on the streets of Woolwich, handing out leaflets and encouraging Muslims to go to Syria to fight.

If Adebolajo had been a Muslim handing out leaflets and encouraging Muslims to go to Israel to kill Jews, what do you think would have happened? Yep! Arrested and locked away for terrorism. But because he was feeding the Jihadi death machine with cannon fodder in Syria he could preach and scream and shout and hand out as many leaflets encouraging that kind of Jihad as he wanted.

But something in Adebolajo snapped. His harassment by MI5 definitely had an effect. His family suggest this.

The horrific and apparently useless murder of Drummer Lee Rigby may in the end serve a very useful purpose, in that it could expose the Covenant of Security that MI5 has with Islamic terrorists, allowing them to propagate their Jihad in the mosques and on the streets of London.

It could also lead to an end to our support for the NATO proxy cutthroat Jihadi terrorist scum currently destroying Syria.

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