
Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Google is being attacked for allowing pornography to be too easily accessed after it emerged that Stuart Hazell, the killer of Tia Sharp, used Google to search for violent kiddie porn before he murdered Tia.
Obsessed: The Old Bailey heard how Stuart Hazell used his mobile phone to trawl the web for child porn before he killed 12-year-old Tia Sharp

Obsessed: The Old Bailey heard how Stuart Hazell used his mobile phone to trawl the web for child porn before he killed 12-year-old Tia Sharp

Google is under pressure to act over the ease with which Stuart Hazell was able to use the internet to fuel his child-sex fantasies.

Hazell was obsessed by paedophile websites and used his mobile phone to trawl the web for child porn before he killed 12-year-old Tia Sharp.

Police found searches including the terms ‘naked little girlies’, ‘illegal under-age incest pics’ and ‘schoolgirl abuse’ in his Google browser.

There were also Google searches for ‘violent forced rape’, ‘little girls in glasses’, ‘daddy daughter pictures’ and ‘under-age incest galleries’, and he visited a child abuse website on August 6 last year – as Tia’s body lay hidden in the loft of the home he shared with her grandmother.

Experts believe Hazell’s habitual use of violent and paedophile pornography on the internet saw him progress from petty criminal to child killer.

Last night child safety charities, including the NSPCC, demanded Google introduce immediate controls to stop monsters such as Hazell from getting access to child pornography.

John Carr, of the Children’s Charities’ Coalition on Internet Safety, said: ‘If these images were not available on the internet then men like Stuart Hazell might not go on to kill.

‘We cannot blame the internet for the likes of Stuart Hazell but it has opened pathways that lead them on to violent pornography and paedophile material.’

Mr Carr wants web companies such as Google to trigger online warnings when attempts are made to access explicit sites. He also wants Google to make their ‘safe search’ facility the default on their web browser.

He added: ‘That is something Google could do overnight.’

[source : Now Google is in the dock over Tia: Internet giant under pressure over easy access killer Hazell had to child pornography, The Daily Mail,, 15th May 2013]

Google is already censoring many websites, but in particular InfoWars and PrisonPlanet.

A prominent U.S. political commentator has claimed that Google and YouTube are censoring various outlets from which the radio host broadcasts information.

In a video posted on YouTube on November 29, Jones claimed that articles hosted at two websites he maintains— and—have been blacklisted from Google News search results.

“We noticed two weeks ago—and we’ve done research and confirmed it—that, that for eight years has been accepted by Google News, has been completely banned,” Jones said. “No headline of PrisonPlanet.Com or is allowed into Google News.”

Now, Jones continued, YouTube has stated that it has frozen the YouTube account “TheAlexJonesChannel”.

Jones explained that he received notice from YouTube that the channel has been flagged for a “community guidelines violation”.

The content that the TheAlexJonesChannel allegedly uploaded in violation of YouTube’s “Community Guidelines” shows a U.S. Apache helicopter shooting journalists in Iraq.

[source : Google targets alternative press, censors PrisonPlanet and InfoWars: Alex Jones, Straight,, 30th November 2010]

So Google allows sick murdering pervs to access kiddie porn before murdering a girl, but blocks access to video showing a US military helicopter shooting journalists in Iraq?

This explains why apparently Bilderberg is merging with Google. Bilderberg drives the warmongering US foreign policy and is seriously linked to paedophilia.

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