
Thursday, June 06, 2013


Yesterday President Obama took one step closer to intervention in Syria by appointing Samantha Power as The United States Ambassador to the United Nations. Power convinced Obama to intervene in Libya, and is married to Cass Sunstein.

Power is replacing Susan Rice who is being made National Security Adviser and also convinced Obama to intervene in Libya.

In case you missed it, at the New Year it was sneakily announced that the number of dead in Syria had been significantly underestimated by nearly 20000! Most of the dead are foreign Jihadis and Syrian military. The vast majority of civilian dead were slaughtered by the foreign Jihadis. So this 'underestimation' makes the crisis in Syria look much worse than it is.

And now the UN has blamed BOTH the rebels and Assad of using chemical weapons, which again makes the crisis look much worse than it is because there is no way that Assad would use chemical weapons thus giving the excuse to bomb Syria.

Perhaps the recent pressure has got to Obama and he is caving into the R2P crowd, which is basically the Blair/British crowd and The Henry Jackson Society.

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