
Sunday, July 14, 2013


They are at it again.

For a few weeks, ever since Obama declared he had seen the light and saw evidence that Assad had used chemical weapons and thus crossed Obama's 'red line, there has been silence from The Washington Post on Obama's policy on Syria. But with a confused and fractured Congress, no arms are reportedly getting to the rebels, the rebels are collapsing faster than the WTC on 9/11 and have become a huge embarrassment, threatening more cannibalism if they don't get arms, and now administering collective punishment of the citizens of Aleppo, who will not support them, by enforcing a blockade of food and goods, including baby food! The rebels are also now frequently killing each other, with al Qaeda murdering FSA commanders.

Tarpley warns of a new Gulf of Tonkin, and it's August next month.

Oh, it's a real mess in Syria. Photographs show just how wrecked the place has become. Yes, Assad will win, the rebels will run, but it will take a long time for Syria to recover.

IT HAS been a month since the White House informed journalists that President Obama had decided to supply Syrian rebels with light arms. Since then, the regime has launched a bloody new offensive in the city of Homs, using heavy artillery and rockets to attack residential areas held by the rebels. Thousands of people have been killed, adding to a death toll approaching 100,000. President Bashar al-Assad has been boasting of his military successes and of the failure of outside powers to bring down his regime. Meanwhile, the United States has failed to deliver any of the promised munitions to beleaguered rebel forces — “not even a single bullet,” one source told The Post’s David Ignatius.

The delay can be attributed in part to congressional resistance: According to reporting by The Post’s Karen DeYoung, the administration’s plan has drawn objections from members of the House and Senate intelligence committees, which are responsible for reviewing covert operations. But the larger problem is an extraordinary failure of leadership by Mr. Obama. While deciding on intervention in a fateful Middle East war, the president has chosen a minimalist option likely to fail while declining to publicly explain or justify his actions.

...Mr. Obama’s fecklessness on Syria has baffled and alarmed important U.S. allies, including Turkey and Israel, which wonder if the United States can still be counted on as a force in the region. It has emboldened not just Mr. Assad but also Iran, which has been stepping up its own intervention in Syria in the belief that it will not be countered. Now the president is failing to deliver even on the modest action he decided on. It’s a spectacle that can only harm U.S. standing in the Middle East — and prolong Syria’s bloodshed.

[source : Obama’s feckless Syria policy is likely to fail, Washington Post,, 12th July 2013]

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