
Tuesday, August 27, 2013


File this under "Beelzebub's Bullshit".

Israel has consistently claimed that it is not involved in the events in Syria in any way whatsoever. Ignore A Clean Break. Ignore PNAC. Ignore Rebuilding America's Defenses. Ignore General Wesley Clark.

But if Israel is not involved in the events in Syria then why is Israel playing a key role in providing intelligence on the use of chemical weapons in Syria?
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was set to hold a second meeting in two days of his security cabinet to discuss the Syria crisis on Tuesday afternoon, amid indications that Israeli intelligence is playing a central role in cementing the US case against Syrian use of chemical weapons ahead of a likely US-led military strike.

Prior to the session, called to discuss the implications for Israel of a possible strike, a top Israeli minister said it would be inconceivable for the international community to allow President Bashar Assad’s regime to continue killing children with chemical weapons.

Naftali Bennett, the minister of economics who sits on the security cabinet, issued what amounted to a demand for military intervention against Assad. “It cannot be that less than 100 kilometers from Israel, children are being gassed to death and we let the world remain silent and ignore it,” Bennett said.

While Israel would almost certainly take no direct part in a military strike, Israeli intelligence information is widely believed to have played a central role in enabling the US’s adamant conviction that Assad’s regime fired chemical weapons at civilians outside Damascus last Wednesday, killing at least hundreds of people and wounding over a thousand, according to Syrian rebel groups.

[source : Israeli intelligence seen as central to US case against Syria, Times of Israel,, 27t August 2013]

Like in a cartoon, Israel is the little devil on Obama's shoulder, whispering into his ear to Attack! Attack! Attack!, but without an angel on the other shoulder.


And how can Israel complain about the alleged use of chemical weapons by Assad, allegedly gassing and killing children (which is a bona fide lie), when in Operation Cast Lead, which can be compared to Israel shooting fish in a barrel, Israel used phosphorous and then unknown substances and weapons on the children of Gaza. The total death toll from Cast Lead is confirmed to be well over 1000 from several sources, including hundreds of children. Cast Lead was planned months in advance by Israel.

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