
Monday, August 05, 2013


Last year Mitt Romney was Bilderberg's 'chosen one' to win the Presidential election. Romney received many times more money from Wall Street. Romney was supported by Netanyahu, them being best buds for years. And despite a controversial event in Benghazi, which was quickly blamed on Obama, Obama won the election, provoking calls of "foul play" from some.

You should by now be fully aware of the explosive revelations of General Wesley Clark, in which he claims that shortly after the mother of all inside Ziojobs 9/11 he was told of a plan to start war on seven nations in five years. Four of those nations had been named in A Clean Break (written for Netanyahu), two were known to be sympathetic to the Palestinian cause, and the last, Somalia, has been named by the DFQ as now being more of a threat to the DFQ then Afghanistan. Somalia was recently found to have the world's seventh largest oil reserves (so we can predict with some confidence where our military is going to quite soon).

By 2007 that plan for war on seven nations in five years was seriously behind schedule, so a Plan B was implemented in which Saudi Arabia would provide nasty Jihadis to wreck some of the nations named to Clark. These Jihadis first made their guest appearance in this act of bloody theatre in Libya, eventually killing Gaddafi. And after Libya they were transported to Syria via Turkey and Lebanon. After two years in Syria the Jihadis now face imminent defeat, thus destroying the plan for war on seven nations in five years.

We know that the main aim is Iran.

Martin Dempsey began his role as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (CJCS) in October 2011. He has consistently rejected any demands that the US military intervene directly in Syria. For nearly two years now he has resisted such suggestions and demands. As a consequence the Syrian rebels now face imminent defeat. This will have pissed off a lot of warmongering people. Dempsey has been renominated by Obama as CJCS, which indicates Obama's faith and trust in Dempsey. A week or two ago Dempsey destroyed warmonger Senator John McCain during Dempsey's nomination hearing.

So for the warmongers it would make sense if there were some moves made to oust Dempsey, and blocking his renomination as CJCS is the most subtle way to do this.

To add to this, Obama suffered a series of scandals in which he was implicated, which occured after he had refused direct US military intervention in Syria following allegations of the use of chemical weapons by Assad, and Assad blowing up cars in Turkey. Obama suddenly changed his mind after the liberation of al Qusair by the Syrian Arab Army, which curiously coincided with another but more major scandal revealed by Greenwald and Snowden that Obama was reading all our emails. But despite Obama's apparent decision that Assad had used chemical weapons, and the subsequent statements that American support for the rebels would escalate, there has been little escalation of support for the rebels: no No Fly Zone; no large military hardware such as tanks; no Safe Zones in Syria.

For months it has been alleged that there was smuggling of weapons out of Benghazi, but this had not been reported by the mainstream media. Until now.

So we have to ask, why now?

Why, as the rebels face imminent defeat, have the likes of CNN and Fox and ABC 'suddenly' found out that there was a weapons-smuggling operation through Benghazi?

I smell an operation going down here, to damage Obama and/or Dempsey.

Can Obama be pressured into bombing Syria? Can Dempsey's renomination be blocked (and Steve Pieczenik has made his feelings on Dempsey crystal clear on Alex Jones' InfoWars)?

At the moment Webster Tarpley's analysis of that whole sordid incident has much more credibility than a turf war, with Obama ordering a hit on Stevens.

It will be interesting to see where this takes us, and who supports which narrative.

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