
Saturday, August 10, 2013


When we grow synthetic meat in laboratories because cow farts contribute to a scam called global warming, this planet is fubar.

When we bail out privately-owned gambling banks with public money so the public has no money but the banks do, this planet is fubar.

When we then allow the banks to continue to gamble with customer deposits but then the customers bail out the banks (the bail in) because the governments have no money and so that the general public has no savings and the banks have all the money, this planet is fubar.

When we arm, train, finance, protect and advise cutthroat terrorists, this planet is fubar.

When we bomb children to death to liberate them, this planet is fubar.

When we build autonomous killer robots to run the planet, this planet is fubar.

And when we kill little old granny or children less than 3 years old to bail out the banks, this planet is fubar.




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