
Thursday, August 29, 2013


A very interesting video has been reported on by Israel National News in an article entitled Syria Rebels: Video Shows Chemical Launch at and embedded below.

The film appears to show several military men with red berets, possibly a few civilians, and one man in the classic western special op uniform of beige pants, white T shirt and black body warmer/flak jacket. A red lorry delivers the missile, which is transported in a cage. There is writing on the side of the lorry but it is difficult to read. Can the lorry be identified? The background sound implies the film was shot in a busy residential area, with lots of traffic and horns. The area being filmed looks like a dump or recycling plant. Around 4 minutes into the film in the bottom right hand corner there appears to be a flag fluttering, red, white and black, and possibly some green stars but it is difficult to see clearly. The long shadows indicate that the missile is facing either east or west, but due to the busy noise I would guess that it was evening, in which case the missile is fired towards the east. The sound of the missile being fired takes approximately 2 seconds to travel before the camera picks it up indicating the film was shot with a high res camera from approx 1/2 mile away. The men do not appear to wear any kind of protective gear, which is very strange considering they are handling a large chemical weapon. In fact the rough ride the missile has at the site is very dangerous.

And why has it taken 9 days for this to surface, if it is of a missile being fired last Wednesday?

This video needs a thorough analysis, much deeper than this brief amateurish attempt.

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