
Wednesday, October 02, 2013


Whoever thought of the catchphrase used by Der Fuhrer in his T-war-y Party Conference Speech today needs their sell-out arse kicking.

The Land of Opportunity?

This is already a land of opportunity. But it is a land of opportunity for the fascist bankers and the MPs they bankroll.

Cameron constantly blames our current troubles on Labour, for the huge debt the coalition inherited, calling it "Labour's deficit". We bailed out the banks in The City of London because they were allowed to go on a reckless gambling spree because there was only 'light-touch' regulation. BUT THE TORIES WANTED LESS REGULATION!!

And today infinite rehypothecation is making the markets much more complex and susceptible to another crash. AND LONDON IS THE ONLY FINANCIAL CENTRE IN THE WORLD WHERE THIS IS ALLOWED!!

And yet real reform of The City of London is being implemented at a pissed-up snail's pace, so that reforms with any kind of substance are not being implemented until 2019!! AND WE WILL STILL NOT HAVE GLASS-STEAGALL TYPE SEPARATION!!

And the banks will still be able to create money out of thin air, even though they have shown themselves unworthy of such God-like power after wrecking the global economy through their gambling and derivatives.

Why? Because the Conservative Party is the City of London Party.

Cameron also has a dig at Russia and its President, who has just been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. If Cameron had persuaded The Marsten House to vote for World War 3 then some of us may well have been radioactive ashes by now. CAMERON WOULD HAVE TOOK US INTO WW3 WITHOUT WAITING FOR ANY EVIDENCE ON WHO WAS TO BLAME FOR THE HORRIFIC EVENTS OF 21ST AUGUST 2013!!

Cameron praises that embarrassing buffoon, William Jihadi Hague. BUT IT WAS HAGUE WHO HAS PUSHED US TO THE BRINK OF WW3!!

And what is so great about Britain? According to Cameron, we are great because we abolished slavery. BUT FOR A SUSTAINED PERIOD OF TIME WE WERE THE GREATEST SLAVE TRADING NATION ON EARTH!!


And we banned slavery, not out of altruism, but so that we could harass the new American Navy.

And you could not make this one up:
...and I want to thank the most determined champion for social justice this Party has ever had: Iain Duncan Smith.

Iain understands that this isn't about fixing systems, it's about saving lives.

Yeah? Try telling that to the family of Stephanie Bottrill, a grandmother of a one year old boy, who walked into the path of an oncoming lorry on the M6 after she was afraid she would be made homeless through the dreaded Bedroom Tax.

Cameron worships Savile-loving Thatcher, who turned this land into a Disunited Fascist Queendom by liberalising the City of London, and trashing our natural energy source, coal, so that we are now dependent on imports of energy and being ripped off for the privilege.

And 'Red Ed', as Der Fuhrer mocks Ed Miliband, would put a stop to that. It was Miliband who crushed Cameron's plan for WW3. Ed has been the target of the media ever since, particularly after his statement on energy prices.

At one point Cameron says:
Generation Y is starting to become Generation Why Do We Bother?

Why do we bother?

Why do we bother voting?

Why do we bother voting when all we get is the same old global fascism, be it red, blue or yellow.

More Europe.

More UN.

More war.

More poverty.

More fascism.

Why do we bother voting when all we get are morons like David Ca-moron?

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