
Monday, October 21, 2013


This time four years ago what were you doing?

Four years ago some were looking forward to conning the world into mass genocide in the name of saving the planet from economic development and overpopulation. The venue for this anticipated slaughter was Copenhagen. Self-appointed dignitaries arrived in spectacular and inappropriate fashion, considering they were expecting to draw up the death warrants of billions. At the time I called them Climate Change Daleks, who were repeating ad nauseum, "Exterminate! Exterminate!"

They failed.

But not for want of trying.

They even enrolled the services of The Guardian, who published a little handbook in a vain attempt to con us into not just supporting but demanding that Agenda 21 be implemented much faster than it was already.

Fast forward 4 years and The Guardian is at the centre of a 'scandal'. For months it has been telling us how our emails, texts, blogs, tweets, etc. have all been intercepted and read. This 'scandal' occured just as the Syrian cutthroat rebels had lost the crucial hub of al Qusair. During the previous months Israel, UK and Turkey had tried to trick President Obama into attacking Syria. But Obama wisely resisted. A series of mini-scandals were directly blamed on Obama. Obama was not supposed to win the election in 2012. Romney and his pro-Israel fascist policies were supposed to win. So then came Snowden and his 'bombshell'. Obama suddenly decided that Assad had crossed Obama's 'red line' a few months earlier, but this was strangely announced by Ben Rhodes, not Obama. But still no overt large scale attack on Syria. And so, on 21st August, hundreds of Syrian civilians were allegedly killed by chemical weapons. Assad was blamed. Allegations were made based on alleged intercepted communications, and the fuzzy biased logic that only Assad had chemicals in the required quantities. Der Fuhrer David Cameron couldn't wait for the UN inspectors to land in Syria before demanding bloody revenge. He demanded authorisation for war.

But Cameron was humiliated by a defeat in The Marsten House on a motion for world war. Red Ed saved the day by pressing the pause button, having at first acquiesced to world war. Ed has been under attack ever since, particularly for his energy price freeze policy, a policy that the coalition, so isolated from the British public, is now looking to imitate. Yes, Red Ed managed The Climate Change Act 2008 which has placed a charge on energy bills to support green energy, but it required very little negotiation, was passed almost unanimously and the Tories thought it didn't go far enough!

At the front of this pseudo-humanitarian "we must bomb Syrians to save them" movement was...The Guardian.

The genocidal Guardian.

The R2P Guardian.

The same genocidal R2P Guardian who four years earlier tried to con us into demanding our own deindustrialisation and subsequent slow death at Copenhagen.

On the Sunday before Cameron was humiliated in The Marsten House, the sister of The Guardian, The Observer, published the most blatant R2P editorial demanding war on Syria, even though no evidence had been provided to prove beyond doubt that Assad and the Syrian military had used chemical weapons at Ghouta. All the blame was laid on Assad and the rebels were angels sent from above.

What is it with The Guardian/Observer?

Why does it support Mikhail Khordokovsky yet demands we bomb Syria and implement genocidal Agenda 21 policies?

Why has it not published the allegations made by the former French foreign minister Roland Dumas that he was asked by British officials to help the to plan the insertion of cutthroat Jihadis into Syria?

If The Guardian really did care for us then it would publish the Dumas allegations.

This is why I do not trust the Greenwald/Snowden circus.

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