
Sunday, November 17, 2013


Who killed Kennedy?

Well, we could start by clarifying, which one?

You may have thought that US Ambassador to The Court of St James Joseph Kennedy waiving the diplomatic immunity, and thus allowing the arrest and trial, of Tyler Kent by the British would have endeared the Kennedy family to the Anglo-American Establishment. Kent had been keeping records of the secret communications between President Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Winston Churchill, who at the time was only First Lord of The Admiralty. The two were developing a very friendly relationship through these communications, and were talking of ruling the world if the two nations, UK and USA, would join together. Kent was arrested after he gave copies of the communications to Archibald Ramsay MP, hoping that Ramsay would contact American politicians to warn them that FDR and Churchill were plotting a war against Germany. Ramsay and hundreds of others, including Oswald Mosley, were interned for the duration of World War 2 under Regulation 18b.

Was Kent correct? On 7th December 1941...

Hitler was created. He did not come out of nowhere. World War 1 had failed to produce the world government that the British ruling class longed for. World government is the ultimate in empire. But the USA voted out of it. So that island of British financial control in the USA, Wall Street, created not just Hitler and Nazi Germany but also his arch nemesis Stalin and Communist Russia. With such ideological extremes armed and in such close proximity a world war was bound to occur. Hitler was allowed to invade Europe piece by piece to give him resources, and to bring him geographically closer to Communist Russia, and when the time was right we declared war. But for well over 8 months there was no world war, only a battle here and there. It was only after Hitler invaded France that things took off, but even then there are hints that Hitler did not want war with Great Britain. Were British troops allowed to escape during 'the miracle of Dunkirk'? Did Hitler seek peace and an anti-Communist alliance with Great Britain through the visit of Rudolf Hess? Hess was captured, detained in isolation, and 'looked after' by John Rawlings Rees. And then Hitler really kicked off WW2 by invading Russia. He then obliged the warmongers, FDR included, in the USA by declaring war on the USA after Pearl Harbour. And after 4 years of slaughter The United Nations was born, has survived (unlike The (aborted) League of Nations) and has gradually assumed more and more power and control, as have other global government institutions such as the EU and IMF. All this may have been impossible had Joseph Kennedy not allowed the arrest and imprisonment of Tyler Kent.

But back to Kennedy.

Next weekend is the 50th anniversary of the assassination of President John F Kennedy. The fairytale is that a Communist sympathiser called Lee Harvey Oswald shot Kennedy three times from a 6th floor window with a crap gun. Oswald had defected to Russia, for a while, but then came back to the USA, was not prosecuted, and was openly supporting Castro and Communism on the streets of New Orleans while he hung out with anti Communist Russians! The more you read, the more you understand that it was impossible for Oswald to have shot not just Kennedy but also Officer J D Tippit, and that Oswald was some kind of government agent/informer/spy. Oswald had no obvious motive for killing Kennedy, did not provide one, instead claiming live on TV, "I'm just a patsy!". And to stop Oswald's story being revealed he was shot by mobster Jack Ruby live on TV. Ruby predicted that he would be killed too, and he was.

As we approach this anniversary the pro- and anti-JFK camps are out in force.

LPAC and Tarpley claim that JFK had a FDR-esque vision of a world free of the British empire (see JFK versus the Empire). This gave the British the motive to whack JFK.

Then there are others. One surprising other is Justin Raimondo of Anti-War, who claims that JFK was more of a warmonger than George W Bush and David Petraeus! Raimondo accuses JFK of escalating the Cold War in Vietnam and of trying to kill Castro. Yet Raimondo does not accuse anyone of JFKs assassination.

Other sites and newspapers also attempt to smear JFK as a speed freak, hooked on the chemical cocktails provided by a Dr Max Jacobson, who allegedly supplied injections to a mix of politicians, crooks (generally the same thing) and celebrities.

Another new allegation/theory that has recently been presented this week on British TV is that Oswald was doing the shooting all on his own from the 6th floor window, just like the Warren Commission say, but a Secret Service agent in the car behind Kennedy had a rifle on his lap, unlocked the safety, and as he turned to take at aim at Oswald he accidentally fired at Kennedy and blew up JFKs head! But if you watch the Zapruder film you can see the obvious change in momentum in JFKs head as the bullet fired from the grassy knoll hit him; JFKs head goes back and to the left, indicating a close shot from the grassy knoll.

JFK may well have initially hotted up the Cold War, but he was cooling it down, pulling out of Vietnam, and increasing detente with Russia. In 1961 the CIA invaded Cuba using Cuban exiles at The Bay of Pigs. The exiles were slaughtered. JFK refused to provide support. The Cuban Missile Crisis occured the following year, in which JFK, in the eyes of the extreme right in the USA, 'went soft' on Communism. But to give you an idea of just how much the US military felt threatened by Cuba and Communism at that time, we need look no further than Operation Northwoods, written in 1962, which detailed precisely what the US Joint Chiefs of Staff were prepared to do to get Castro and Communism out of Cuba: blowing up American passenger planes to be blamed on Castro; shooting American citizens to be blamed on Castro. All their suggestions were designed to provoke war on Cuba by the USA. Unsurprisingly JFK rejected the obviously clinically insane Northwoods. To add to this 'going soft on Communism', JFK had also decided to break up the CIA. So JFK was not making any friends with the top brass at The Pentagon or the CIA, who had all supported the Bay of Pigs invasion that they thought JFK had betrayed.

And for years Cuba had been a cash cow and a playground for the mob...until Castro took over.

Whether this anti-Castro anti-Cuba anti-Communism was used by the British empire to eliminate JFK and his alleged FDR-esque vision is up for debate.

But there is no doubt that at the least there was a coming together of minds in the military, the CIA and the mob that JFK had to go.

It is possible that the British whacked Kennedy: they killed Lincoln after he had created his own money which provided the Union with the resources to beat the Confederacy; and Aaron Burr shot Alexander Hamilton under ungentlemanly circumstances in a duel after Hamilton had publicised Burr's treason for the British. And this rapprochement between the USA and Russia was destroying the Cold War that begun within hours of the alleged murder of FDR by the British using poison. FDR's post-war policy was to help the whole world, USSR included, to modernise. The theory is that this would have led to the USA and USSR becoming the first and second powers in the world, with Great Britain demoted well down the league. This was a reminder of the American-Russian alliance during the US civil war. So Harriman drove a huge wedge between the USA and the USSR and we got the Cold War and the threat of nuclear war instead of peace and development.

After the assassination of JFK there was no invasion of Cuba, even though Russia had removed its missiles the previous year. However, one of the first things that Johnson did as President was reverse Kennedy's decision to pull out of Vietnam. The following year the Gulf of Tonkin incident occured (or not as history has proved), and there followed over 10 years of slaughter, killing millions, costing hundreds of billions of dollars.

Now that something like that is worth killing a President of the USA for...

50 years on the assassination of JFK is still a mystery wrapped in a riddle inside an enigma, but not for much longer.

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