
Monday, November 18, 2013


Aww, this is getting beyond the joke now.
Among the host of conspiracy theories surrounding the assassination of President John F. Kennedy are variations that point the finger at agencies of the U.S. government, all the way up to the vice president.

Others connect the dots and find the Soviet Union at the center of the plot, highlighting Lee Harvey Oswald’s mysterious defection to the communist nation and return to the U.S. with a Russian wife.

But a former Soviet-bloc spy chief who was active at the time of the Nov. 22, 1963, assassination says Moscow’s fingerprints are on both scenarios.

Lt. Gen. Mihai Pacepa, in his book “Disinformation”, presents evidence that Oswald was recruited by the KGB to kill Kennedy when he was a U.S. Marine stationed at the Atsugi Air Station in Japan, the home of the U-2 spy plane.

[source : WND EXCLUSIVE : Moscow 'programmed Oswald to kill JFK', WND,, 17th November 2013]

These 'revelations' come from a Mihai Pacepa who defected from Romania to the USA in 1978.

After Arafat was recently found to have been murdered by Israel with Polonium 210, WND indirectly accused the KGB by printing Pacepa's 'exclusive' that the KGB did it.

And now, as we approach the 50th Anniversary of JFKs assassination, WND again indirectly accuses the KGB by printing yet another Pacepa 'exclusive'.

Add to this 'reports' from Aaron Klein who claims to have a direct pipeline into the heart of Middle Eastern intelligence agency (which usually supplies him with disinfo on Israel's enemies so we can take an educated guess as to which one), and in WND we have a very sour lemon.

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