
Wednesday, November 20, 2013


You cannot make this stuff up #483511392

The United Nations General Assembly Human Rights Committee has approved a resolution from, wait for it...SAUDI ARABIA...which demands that Syria allow access into Syria to provide aid.

Even the spider in my bathroom knows that it is Saudi Arabia who is sponsoring all the slaughter in Syria. So why do the Saudis want Syria to allow in aid?

In the last week I have read nothing but great news coming out of Syria, as the brave and competent Syrian Arab Army chases the Saudi-backed cutthroat terrorists out of Damascus and Aleppo. This was always on the cards following the liberation of al Qusair in June, which prompted the Snowden revelations to pressure Obama into bombing Syria. Obama declined, and the false flag attack on Ghouta occured on 21st August 2013 which was designed to force Russia into dumping Assad and to trick Obama into bombing Syria. Al Qusair was a very important logistics hub for the cutthroats. So with their supply lines cut they are now suffering defeat after defeat,and are now attacking and decapitating each other! Hence this Saudi resolution to force Syria to allow in 'aid'.

What kind of aid?

Aid to whom?

Who will check the deliveries and the recipients?

And regarding the latest bombing in Beirut, claimed by the al Qaeda affiliate Abdullah Azzam Brigade, I refer you to the current favourite to win the much coveted award, The Truth Serum Report of the Year 2013, which I understood to predict the horror we now see in not only Syria but also Lebanon:
PARIS-- Prince Bandar of Saudi Arabia told Vladimir Putin and the other Russian officials he met with in Russia a couple of weeks ago that Saudi Arabia is taking the lead in the Middle East following the demise of Qatar. This was reported by Lebanese journalist Scarlett Haddad in an August 8th article in L'Orient le Jour, the major French-language daily in Lebanon

...Because of the failure of his "diplomatic" offensive, the "BRICS" diplomat says that Bandar will now launch an offensive against Syria, aimed at finally removing Bashar al-Assad from power. Bandar apparently announced that results would be visible on the ground in the coming months and has decided to create a new balance of power in Syria in favor of the opposition that would compel Russia and its allies to give up Assad in the context of international negotiations. At the same time, Bandar intends to create great difficulty for Iraq and the Hezbollah, which are in the process of aiding Assad. In Lebanon, Bandar instructed thus his allies — Hariri, Jumblatt, Geagea — to block any possibility for the Hezbollah and Aoun's party, the March 8th Coalition, to come to power again, and for them to gain once again a blocking minority.

Sources in Lebanon close to General Aoun fully confirmed this black scenario, that Bandar will try a full onslaught to eliminate Bashar al-Assad, in the course of September and October. "Times ahead will be terrible," he said, "the West has opted for a strategy of chaos and destruction of the entire area." He also noted the hideous massacres which occurred in the last days in the Latakia governorate — Abu Makka and Obin — where gangs of jihadists executed whole families and in the case of Obin exterminated a whole village.

[source : Bandar Planning New "Blair Up" in Syria and Lebanon , LPAC,, 13th August 2013]

The false flag of Ghouta was that attempt to force or embarrass Russia into dumping Assad. It failed spectacularly. Just days before Ghouta was an attack on the Hezbollah HQ in Beirut. Now with talks with Iran about to recommence, this is a provocation by the Israeli-Saudi Axis of Evil that I believe was given its stamp, or should that be cloven hoof, of approval.

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