
Wednesday, November 13, 2013


After 19 Muslims with boxcutters allegedly hijacked 4 passenger planes, outwitted the most powerful military machine in the world for nearly 2 hours, and flew the planes into the WTC and even The Pentagon(!!), we invaded Afghanistan.

We invaded Afghanistan because that is where we were told the ringleader, Osama bin Laden, was.

We weren't told that on several occasions before, we could have either had bin Laden handed to us on a plate, or assassinated him. On each occasion we did nothing.

We weren't told that bin Laden lived in Wembley, had trained in Scotland with the SAS, and that his ilk lived and recruited terrorists in London (or Londonistan) due to a Covenant of Security with MI5.

Something else we weren't told was that bin Laden was dying from Marfan Syndrome and required regular kidney dialysis.

After nearly 10 years of hunting bin Laden, and when Obama was in serious trouble over his resident status, bin Laden was suddenly traced to a house in Pakistan, and allegedly taken out.

Between 9/11 and his alleged death in 2011, bin Laden rarely appeared in a video, instead releasing audio tapes which we were told, after thorough voice analysis, were made by him. When he did release a video, he looked remarkably different, almost transformed, as if he had died from Marfan Syndrome shortly after 9/11 and he had been replaced by an actor.


When we invaded Afghanistan the Taliban had almost eradicated opium farming there. But now, after 12 years of NATO presence, opium harvests have hit a new record high.
Despite efforts to curb Afghan’s opium culture, cultivation has hit record levels as NATO forces prepare to exit the country. The UN warned warlords may be the biggest benefactor of the situation.

The report, the Afghanistan Opium Survey for 2013, provides little cause for optimism among countries that have witnessed a surge in incidences of heroin abuse among their populace since US-led forces started a military offensive against the Taliban on Afghan soil in 2001.

Afghanistan, long the world’s main heroin supplier, has seen its total area of poppy seed plantations explode to 516,000 acres - a 36 percent increase from 2012, according to the report, released on Wednesday.

[source : Poppy fields forever? Record opium output boosts Afghan warlords’ power base, Russia Today, Poppy fields forever? Record opium output boosts Afghan warlords’ power base, 13th November 2013]
Our ruling elite have been running the opium/heroin market for centuries. They ran the Opium Wars against China when China refused to allow the British to dump their opium in Chinese docks in order to destroy China from within.

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