
Saturday, November 23, 2013


Here are excerpts from the trial of the assassins of Arch Duke Ferdinand. These excerpts reveal that:
1. freemasonry had condemned Ferdinand to death;
2. freemasonry was looking for someone to assassinate Ferdinand;
3. freemasonry found their willing assassins in Princip, Casimirovic, Ciganovic and Cabrinovic;
4. freemasonry provided the assassins with a revolver and bullets;
5. freemasonry provided the assassins with encouragement;
6. the assassins were freemasons themselves.

In the rush to war these statements were completely ignored.

Kaiser Wilhelm II was later informed by a distinguished freemason that freemasonry had planned World War 1 to create a power vacuum. That vacuum was initially filled by Hitler for WW2 (he was allowed to violate The Treaty of Versailles and to annex neighbours for resources and to bring him closer to another dupe, Stalin), and now the EU.

Cabrinovic. - He (Casimirovic) is a freemason, even in some degree one of their chiefs. He travelled abroad immediately (after the men had offered themselves to carry out the assassination). He went to Russia, France and Buda-Pesth. Every time when I asked Ciganovic how far our projects had advanced, he replied that I should know when Casimirovic should return. About this time Ciganovic also told me that the freemasons had already condemned to death the heir to the throne two years ago, but that they had not found men to carry out their judgment. Later when he gave me the automatic revolver and the cartridges, he said : That man came back last evening from Buda-Pesth. I knew that he had made the journey in connection with our undertaking and that he had conferred abroad with certain circles.
The President. — Are you not simply spinning a yarn ?
Cabrinovic. — It is the pure truth and a hundred times truer than your Narodna Odbrana documents.


Premusic: - Have you read the books of Rosic?
Cabrinovic. — I have read his treatise on freemasonry.
Premusic. — Were these books distributed in Belgrade?
Cabrinovic. — I set them in type as a printer.
Premusic. — Tell me, do you believe in God or anything?
Cabrinovic. — No.
Premusic. — Are you a mason?
Cabrinovic. — (Confused, after a moment's silence and speaking loudly) Why do you ask me that? I cannot answer you on that subject.
Premusic. — Is Tankosic a mason?
Cabrinovic. — (Again after a silence). Yes, and Ciganovic also.
The President. — From which it follows that you also are a mason, for a freemason never admits to anyone but another mason that he belongs to that society.
Cabrinovic. — Please do not ask me about that subject for I shall not reply.


The President. — Tell me something more about the motives. Did you know before deciding to attempt the assassination that Tankosic and Ciganovic were freemasons? Had the fact of you and they being freemasons an influence on your resolve?
Cabrinovic. — Yes.
Tm: President. — Did you receive from them the mission to carry out the assassination?
Cabrinovic. — I received from no one the mission to carry out the assassination, Freemasonry had to do with it because it strengthened me in my intention. In freemasonry it is permitted to kill. Ciganovic told me that the freemasons had condemned to death the Archduke Franz Ferdinand more than a year before.
The president. - Did he tell you that from the very beginning or only after you spoke to him of your wish to carry out the assassination?
Cabrinovic. — We had already spoken about freemasonry but he said nothing to me of the condemnation to death before we had quite decided to carry out the assassination.


The President. — Did you speak about freemasonry with Ciganovic?
Princip (insolently). — Why ask me that ?!
The President. — I ask because I must know. Did you speak to him about it or not?
Princip. - - Yes, Ciganovic told me that he was a freemason.
The President. — When did he tell vou that?
Princip. -- he told me when I was asking about the means of carrying out the assassination. He added that he would speak with a certain person and that he would receive the necessary means. On another occasion, he told me that the heir to the throne had been condemned to death in a masonic lodge.
The President. — And are you also a freemason?
Princip. — Why that question? I shall not reply. (After a short silence) : No.
The President. — Is Cabrinovic a mason?
Princip. — I do not know. Perhaps he is. He told me once that he was going to join a lodge.

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