
Saturday, December 28, 2013


At the end of WW2 the Nazi propaganda and intelligence network was not destroyed but was brought to work in NATO and the USA. Part of that network became Operation Mockingbird in which intelligence agents were planted into media organisations to push particular ideas and themes. The original idea was to fight the growth of Communism (which was created and controlled by Wall Street in the first place). But after the fall of Communism that propaganda network survived and continues to push the ideas and themes of the establishment, such as relentless war against everyone for this or that bogus reason.

I recently destroyed the credibility of The Guardian through an analysis of its editorials which were anti-Assad, pro-cutthroat, pro-Israel and pro-R2P war. Not every journalist at The Guardian is part of this network, but some are. As there are at The Daily Mail, The Daily Telegraph, The Independent, etc. In other words, our media is infested with intelligence agents pushing propaganda.

US Investigative Journalist Michael Hastings told an incredible story when he returned from his 2010 trip, embedded with US general Stanley McChrystal in Afghanistan. The Pentagon, he revealed in his award winning book 'The Operators', spends $4.7bn of public money annually employing 27,000 psychological operations, marketing and public relations staff around the world. Their daily mission: to push the Pentagon line into the West's national newspapers and broadcast bulletins.

Military staff working on 'Information Operations', Hastings explained in his 2011 Rolling Stone article headlined 'Another Runaway General' , are organized into cells, given specific enemy individual, social media or group targets and precise mission objectives. Hastings documented that ‘Lt. Gen. William Caldwell, and his staff' ordered Lt. Colonel Michael Holmes' I-Ops cell in Kabul not to target the enemy, but visiting US Senators.

Holmes refused to accept that senators could be US psychological warfare targets, so he took Caldwell's written order to two Judge Advocate General's (JAG) lawyers who both agreed he had been given an illegal order. Rather than being vindicated by the command though, Holmes was targeted as a troublemaker by Caldwell. So this where we are: honest, senators and law abiding US army Colonels are now the Pentagon's enemy number one.

When Michael Hastings died in a suspicious fiery Mercedes C250 crash this summer, many believed he was assassinated by a cyber-attack on his car's onboard computer. Whether or not the German car maker can tell if the car was hacked or were even complicit in the killing, Mercedes are not saying.

[source : How economic warfare killed the People's Bank, Tony Gosling, Russia Today,, 27th December 2013]

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