
Tuesday, January 28, 2014


Bilderberg created the EU. Last year Bilderberg President Manuel Barosso warned that if the EU splintered then we would be fighting in the trenches again. But the fool didn't know that WW1 was engineered to create a power vacuum so that some kind of global governing institution could be plonked in the centre of Europe to take the place of the defeated Austro-Hungarian Empire. After WW1 it was The League of Nations that was plonked in Geneva (with Rockefeller money). After WW2 the world government moved to New York and was rebranded as the UN (with Rockefeller money), and the EU now runs Europe.

Now another Bilderberger has warned of the loss of trust in the EU and the dangers of the rise of nationalism in the EU.
Having a sober view not only of one's own interests, but also of one's neighbours interests, acting responsibly and thinking about consequences with a level head are vital to safeguarding peace. Avoiding the hasty adoption of positions and constantly seeking new room to compromise are two fundamental principles of diplomacy. The history of 1914 provides a vivid insight into what happens when we ignore them. Did the July crisis have to lead to catastrophe? Probably not. Yet emotive rhetoric overrode the courage to pursue a laborious balancing of interests. Can we rule out something similar happening today? The answer depends solely on us, on us being responsible and on the lessons that we take from history.

[source : Frank-Walter Steinmeier, Never again? The loss of trust in the European project holds great dangers, The Guardian,, 27th January 2014]

The source that states that Steinmeier is a Bilderberger is, which does not provide the year(s) of his attendance. And I would not be surprised if he was Bilderberg due to his employment history.

But while searching for Steinmeier's Bilderberg attendance I found that Emma Rothschild, of THE Rothschild banking family, attended in 1995. She is the one muddying the origins of World War 1 at Cambridge by running the History Centre there.

Again, the editorial board of The Guardian selected Steinmeier's rant. And it is only Steinmeier's 2nd comment in The Guardian.

And this is the newspaper that brought us Snowden and Echelon 2.0

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