
Monday, January 13, 2014


It is with great sadness that I announce that the human race is so, so sad.

Take my journey in today. Crawling or stop/starting on the motorway most of the way. Over one hour just to park up, followed by a 10 minute walk. And that was one of the quicker journeys! Last week it took 25 minutes on a motorway to travel just 3 miles! People travelling all over the place, hours one way, just to pay taxes that then get used to pay the military to go to Afghanistan to get the opium harvest upto record levels, and to go to Iraq to secure the oil deposits, and go to Libya to assist cutthroat Jihadis in killing an ally in the Global War on Terror, Colonel Gaddafi, to hand Libya over to al Qaeda, or to go to Syria and do the same. Soon it will be Somalia and Iran...but only if we fall for their lies.

It's sad.

So, so sad.

Saving Private Ryan has been on freeview recently. Our fathers and grandfathers went through what is depicted in that film. You should have their blood running through your veins. My grandfathers invaded Europe. Upon their return, one came back a broken bitter man who detested everything German; the other lived life like there was no tomorrow and left my grandmother for a series of younger women. I'm sure you can find stories in your family of that war breaking men spiritually and psychologically. They went to war having been led to believe that they were ridding the world of the greatest evil that has ever visited this planet, Nazism. But our global ruling establishment created Hitler, gave him finance for his eugenics programs, and assisted him materially and economically, building him up for a war that he never stood a chance of winning. The winners resided then and now in The City of London and Wall Street, and now have their world government, The United Nations.

I don't think our fathers and grandfathers died fighting the Nazis just so that Nazis could live in The City of London, get bailed out with trillions of our tax, and then through our fascist government, that they selected at Bilderberg, telling us lie after lie after lie, send in the muggins-British-taxpayer-funded military, which they consider to be their own private army, to grab natural resources and assist cutthroat Jihadis to slit the throats of Syrian children. Do you?

Why does nobody look out of their car or van window and ask questions like, how and why was Hitler allowed to build the Wehrmacht way above what was allowed in The Treaty of Versailles?

It's gud 'ere, innit?

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