
Tuesday, January 21, 2014


Last week it was reported that some western security officials had visited Damascus to discuss cooperation in the fight against Islamic terrorists. At first I was hopeful that this indicated a factional split, either inside intelligence or between intelligence and politicians. But I added the caveat that we are dealing with la Perfide Albion.

Former French Foreign Minister Roland Dumas told French Parliamentary channel LCP last June that:
1. he was asked by British officials to help them smuggle Jihadis into Syria;
2. an Israeli PM told him that Israel would destroy all nations that did not get on with it;
3. Dumas believes the war on Syria is due to Syria's anti-Israel position.

This all would all fit perfectly with the analysis that I have consistently proposed regarding A Clean Break/PNAC/Redirection/Arab Spring. Last night I began to add a few more overlooked facts, particularly those surrounding the policy toward bona fide CIA agent Saddam Hussein and Iraq. I thought of another overlooked fact first thing this morning; Russia abstained on UN SCR 1973, but it also allowed the invasion of Iraq. So there is some potential that this whole Israel/A Clean Break/PNAC/Redirection/Arab Spring script, is just that, a script, with a much deeper and agreed plot behind the scenes.

Anyway, just before the peace talks over Syria begin we see two propaganda attempts:
1. yesterday a report sponsored by Qatar into alleged abuse, torture and murder of detainees held by the Syrian government;
2. today la Perfide Albion is now accusing Assad of being in cahoots with al Qaeda, allowing them to grow in strength and power, releasing al Qaeda prisoners, so that Assad can claim that the uprising in Syria is due to al Qaeda and that therefore western support for it must stop, and that the rise of al Qaeda in Syria is due to Assad's alleged cooperation with them!
The Syrian regime of President Bashar al-Assad has funded and co-operated with al-Qaeda in a complex double game even as the terrorists fight Damascus, according to new allegations by Western intelligence agencies, rebels and al-Qaeda defectors.

Jabhat al-Nusra, and the even more extreme Islamic State of Iraq and al-Shams (ISIS), the two al-Qaeda affiliates operating in Syria, have both been financed by selling oil and gas from wells under their control to and through the regime, intelligence sources have told The Daily Telegraph.

Rebels and defectors say the regime also deliberately released militant prisoners to strengthen jihadist ranks at the expense of moderate rebel forces. The aim was to persuade the West that the uprising was sponsored by Islamist militants including al-Qaeda as a way of stopping Western support for it.

The allegations by Western intelligence sources, who spoke on condition of anonymity, are in part a public response to demands by Assad that the focus of peace talks due to begin in Switzerland tomorrow be switched from replacing his government to co-operating against al-Qaeda in the “war on terrorism”.

[source : Syria's Assad accused of boosting Al-Qaeda with secret oil deals, The Daily Telegraph,, 21st January 2014]

Yet in The Redirection by Seymour Hersh in 2007, it is clearly stated that cutthroat Jihadis would be unleashed onto particular nations. One source said that once you let them out of the box you can't put them back in!


I argue that because the plan for war on seven nations in five years, as revealed to General Wesley Clark shortly after the inside job 9/11, was moribund by 2007, this Faustian agreement was reached between the USA, Israel and Saudi Arabia to inject some life (or should that be death?) into the plan. My evidence for this is the two nations who have suffered these cutthroat Jihadis were both named to Clark; first Libya, then Syria.

And as stated above, former French Foreign Minister Roland Dumas told French Parliamentary channel LCP last June that:
1. he was asked by British officials to help them smuggle Jihadis into Syria;
2. an Israeli PM told him that Israel would destroy all nations that did not get on with it;
3. Dumas believes the war on Syria is due to Syria's anti-Israel position.

Which is more slam dunk: that WW1 was a freemasonic conspiracy, or we are responsible for the injection and empowerment of al Qaeda in Syria?

If you ask me, and nobody is, I would say that they are equally slam dunk.

WW1 was a freemasonic conspiracy, and we are responsible for the injection and empowerment of al Qaeda in Syria.

We live in la Perfide Albion.

This is la Perfide Albion.

Perfidious. Manipulating. Treacherous. Untrustworthy.

It's gud 'ere, innit?

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