
Saturday, January 04, 2014


Readers should have noted my scepticism of the allegations of the Syrian military dropping barrel bombs out of helicopters onto civilian areas of Aleppo. My scepticism of this is due to:
1. the source of the allegations, The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, is a totally discredited mouthpiece of the rebels, simply repeating what the rebels say. I cited the example of al Houla. The SOHR repeated the "activists say" allegations that the Shabiha went into al Houla and slaughtered a whole village. A few days later their story was totally demolished when it was found that cutthroats had attacked checkpoints then slaughtered two families who lived in remote farmhouses because, despite being Sunni, the families were pro-Assad.
2. these allegations have been made for nearly one month now, yet not one photograph of a barrel bomb being dropped out of a helicopter has been produced. This is very strange because helicopters are very noisy machines. You can hear them coming from miles away. A rebel with any brain (and after 3 years of believing they are fighting for Allah when they are actually fighting for Israel indicates a lack of brain cells) would have a camera ready, perhaps one graciously paid for by the British taxpayer and provided to the cutthroats by the FCO as part of one of their donations of 'aid', and photograph or even better film a helicopter with a barrel bomb being pushed out of it for the likes of The Washington Post, The Guardian, The New York Times, The Daily Telegraph, The Wall Street Journal, etc to publish on their front pages. Alas, no such photographic evidence has been provided.

So when I read this I thought, hmm, now that explains why there is so much NATO media hype over Aleppo:
Recent reports pouring out of Syria reveal Syrian government advances on all fronts, while the Syrian Opposition/terrorist forces are forced to retreat or are destroyed. Among these stories is the report just in of the final assault on Aleppo, sealed off by the Syrian armed forces, and where allegedly hundreds of foreign operationals, including CIA (USA), Mossad (Israel), MI6 (UK) and French DGSE, are trapped. If this is the case, the countries sending these elements into Syria are guilty of war crimes and a serious breach of international law. Among these reports are also shocking stories of atrocities and human rights violations by the Syrian Opposition forces, about which the western media is silent.

[source : Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey, Syria: Who is the west supporting?, Pravda,, 2nd January 2014]

Have the rebels been trying to pull a fast one...AGAIN?

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