
Wednesday, January 01, 2014


Jeremy Scahill has released a documentary called Dirty Wars. I am sorry to say that the Stop The War Coalition has been bewitched, bothered and bewildered by Scahill.

The most significant event of the 21st Century is 9/11. It provided the casus belli for America to go to war, and the USA has been at war...FOR 12 LONG BLOODY YEARS! But how much investigating has investigative journalist Scahill done into 9/11? From what I have seen, not much at all. And what I have seen troubles me deeply.

Before 9/11, in 1996 a cabal of warmongering Zionists published a document called A Clean Break which called for war on Iraq, Iran, Syria and Hezbollah. Two years later this cabal formed The Project for a New American Century. The first thing that PNAC did was write to then President Bill Clinton to demand war on Iraq. In 2000 PNAC published Rebuilding America's Defenses in which they stated Iraq and Iran were the biggest threats to American national security. On 9/11 PNAC members were in very influential positions, so influential in fact that they could make the US military go AWOL. But Osama bin Laden was blamed. A dossier of evidence proving bin Laden's guilt was promised but was never produced. And no official investigation was begun until years later, the initial inquiry to be headed by none other than Henry Kissinger!!! Shortly after 9/11 General Wesley Clark was informed of a plan for war on seven nations in five years. The nations named to Clark were Iraq, Iran, Syria and Lebanon, and Libya, Sudan and Somalia.

But because bin Laden was allegedly hiding in a cave there, NATO first invaded Afghanistan. The Taliban were destroying the opium that was so profitable to the Anglo-American Establishment, but within a few years of the Taliban being kicked out the opium harvest was up to record levels.

And after the Afghan opium supply problem was sorted out by the NATO gangstaz, it was on with the Zionist wars on Iraq, then Hezbollah, then Libya, and a failed attempt this year on Syria. I have covered at length and in some detail the sordid history of all the warmongering and related psyops since 9/11.

But curiously this has not been discussed by our alleged anti-war hero Jeremy Scahill.

Scahill is currently listed as the National Security Correspondent for a magazine called The Nation. But this magazine has a very, very dodgy heritage. From wikipedia the history of The Nation looks nice and simple. Started in 1865, shortly after the US Civil War. But look what it fought for: abolition of protective tariffs! This is anti American System of Economics right there! But there's more. The Garrisons are involved. So who are the Garrisons? For the answer to this question I refer you to the outstanding Treason in America by Anton Chaitkin, who traces the origins of the US Civil War to a fake left-right psyop involving 'anti-slavery' William Lloyd Garrison and his tutor/controller, the pro-slavery Caleb Cushing. Garrison was an agent of treason against America. And his son was an editor for The Nation. But not only that Garrison's daughter married Henry Villard who bought The Nation magazine. Their son inherited The Nation and was pro-FDR. But The Nation vehemently supported the creation of Israel and its wikipedia page provides evidence of a recent pro-Israel position. The current editor, i.e. Schaill's boss is Katrina vanden Heuvel, who part owns The Nation. Vanden Heuvel is a member of the very exclusive and very influential CFR.

So that is some background to The Nation, the employer of Scahill.

So onto Scahill himself.

As stated above, the most significant event of the 21st Century so far is 9/11. A whole series of wars has followed that horrific and murdered day. Scahill has made his name out of 9/11. Scahill is National Security Correspondent for The Nation. On 9/11 America was attacked. But by whom? Well, according to Scahill, by al Qaeda without any assistance whatsoever. Here is Scahill proudly proclaiming his belief in the 9/11 fairytale.

To add to this ignorance of Scahill we saw a very petty and vindictive attack by Scahill on Mother Agnes Mariam who investigated the horrific event at Ghouta on 21st August and found and provided evidence that it was, as many of us have suggested, a false flag psyop, the purpose of which was to con the world into attacking Syria because the plan for war on seven nations in five years is seriously behind schedule.

What is it with Scahill and false flags? The two greatest false flags of the century, 9/11 and Ghouta, and Scahill believes the very warmongers he is allegedly trying to stop and expose?!

So onto Dirty Wars : The Movie.

My impression of Dirty Wars : The Movie is that Jeremy Scahill loves Jeremy Scahill. To be fair, Scahill does provide some harrowing stories of senseless wanton murder without reason of men, women and children by the American military, in particular by a very secretive group called JSOC run by William McRaven. But I got the sense that Scahill was more pissed off with JSOC coming out into the daylight after their alleged killing of bin Laden in 2011 because this robbed Scahill of exposing JSOC. And Scahill apparently believes that bin Laden, who in July 2001 was on his death bed suffering from Marfan Syndrome, somehow survived years of living in caves while requiring frequent kidney dialysis and evading the all-powerful US military to finally hang out in Pakistan for a few years, and ignores the laughable bin Laden not-so-look-a-likies who were presented as bin Laden in videos threatening and praising terror at very opportune times for some US politicians.

So Scahill apparently believes:
1. 9/11 was not an inside job;
2. Ghouta was not an inside job;
3. bin Laden survived Marfan Syndrome, lost some height, put on some weight, lived in caves while requiring kidney dialysis and at the same time outwitted the US intelligence and military apparatus for years, and finally lived in Pakistan for a few years with his many wives and children.

So my questions of Scahill are:
1. as sick as the JSOC program is, would it not be more anti-war and effective to expose 9/11 as the inside job that it obviously was to kick off the series of wars that General Wesley Clark told his good friend Amy Goodman about in an interview for Soros-funded Democracy Now, a series of wars which our alleged anti-war hero Scahill is allegedly against? Or to put it differently, how will exposing a secret drone war program stop war on Syria and Iran?
2. why, oh why, oh why did Scahill launch his own very personal but very public war against Mother Agnes Mariam, who like Scahill is trying to expose the senseless wanton murder of men, women and children in order to provoke yet another war, war that our alleged anti-war hero Scahill we assume opposes?!
3. and why is Scahill teaming up with comedian Glenn Greenwald, who is allegedly exposing the NSA but has some serious questions about secrecy and the NSA to answer regarding this new media venture.
See video at

On this evidence I have to conclude that Scahill is either not bona fide or has a lack of critical analysis skills.

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